I cannot run again. Not after my dance lessons, book club, I just started enjoying life. And I was just thinking on leaving the book club. I cannot do that. I need to stand for my self.
Please help me.
Help me God.
I am amen-ing this with you, Lupita.
Reading through what you've expressed here, I recognized myself.
So often I've
felt driven to disappear from the company of others by one or more folks who
seem so strong, so "in the loop", so loud and outspoken and full of whatever it is that the group
seems to desire.
But the keywords in that last sentence are "felt" and "seem", now that I think on it... and I think that alot of this is merely an illusion.
There's no doubt in my mind that there are other folks in any group or club who are like you, or like me...
we're just not likely to recognize them as quickly, perhaps, because they, too, may be getting swamped by the more "in your face" sorts.
There seems to be an element of competition under the surface in these settings... something that we set up in our minds to be an all or nothing situation, so right from the beginning - from the introduction of this personality type into a group - we feel as though we've lost?
Just thinking aloud here, Lupita, but I'm seeing more and more that it may be a secret desire to be more like that other person which makes us feel like running, because we feel hopeless of ever gaining that? Not necessarily to be noisy and controlling or whatever, but to have that apparent "power".
But I'm thinking that as we resist that urge to run and disappear, we'll find others in the group who will find a sense of solace and companionship with us?
I'm sure they are there... just maybe feeling alot like you are at the moment. So I think it's important not to set this "face" person up as the enemy, but just continue to exert your own presence within the group, just as you are now - not thinking that you have to change a thing to be an important part of the group where you've been a valued contributor and participant till now? That's alot of question marks, but I hope it helps some.

I know that I'd like to have you in the book club where I was a member!