Author Topic: Most Important Issue For You  (Read 4312 times)


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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2007, 05:36:29 PM »
Forgive me father ofr I have sined.
I have the seven of them. Boy, do I have those problemems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

finding peace

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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2007, 06:46:06 PM »
Hi Beth,

Great, thought provoking question.  When I first read it - I thought, ok need a lot of work all are true :shock:

But I got to thinking.  For me, the biggest boils down to valuing my self.  I think if I had that, the rest might fall into place.

Second – trusting others.  The part about trusting my parents doesn’t really apply as an issue for me – I don’t trust them and will never trust them again (if my father were alive this would still be true).  I don’t really have an issue with it as though I need to fix this, it is what is, and I can’t change it, nor would I ever put my self at risk in their hands again.  The issue for me is trusting others.  I don’t trust most people - period.  There are a few I trust, but never completely.  I have learned very painfully that people can turn on a dime.

Third - maintaining boundaries – I think as a young child I was not allowed to have any boundaries.  If I tried to erect those fragile little walls – they were demolished, quite painfully, at the hands of my FOO.  I think at some point in my life (and I can think of a few), I decided that I was so tired of no boundaries and everyone walking all over me that I erected huge boundaries, boundaries so strong and thick that I let no one in.  Ironically, before NC, the walls applied to those outside of my FOO more than inside the FOO (in retrospect I think the reverse would have been a lot healthier!).  The walls have thinned somewhat for a few people, but not many, and not all the way.

Fourth – inability to access emotions - accessing emotion is tough for me (probably because of those walls??).

The “inability to forgive my parents” depends on the definition of forgiveness.  If forgiveness is defined as the mental, emotional and/or spiritual process of ceasing to feel resentment, indignation, or anger against another person for a perceived offence, difference or mistake, or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution (Wikpedia definition), then yes I need to forgive.  If I need to do all that and turn the other cheek and allow this to happen again – not happening.  Cheek is too sore! 

As for the remainder, “accepting my limitations” and “wanting my parents to be different” I don’t really see these as issues.  Accepting my limitations – not sure what this means.  Wanting my parents to be different – can’t say I ever really thought of this as an issue to get past.  Would I have liked my parents to be different – you bet, but I don’t really dwell on it.

Very thought provoking question!!!
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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2007, 07:32:41 PM »
I really got a lot from the responses to this thread.
  Shunned--- that was profound. We can look at our "flaws" as on a continuum-- rather than have them or not have them. This is a huge insight to me. I always saw myself in a separate category. I was a damaged person from a crazy mother.. I saw other people as "having' good traits and me as "having "bad traits.
   You are saying that we all have the same traits on a continuum . Also, that the "severity" of the traits can change and alter all through our lives.  WOW
  Shunned--- Is that what you meant?
  How did you figure this out? It seems so obvious once you see it,but I was blocked by my own black and white thinking                                                        Love  Ami
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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #18 on: July 17, 2007, 08:35:03 PM »
Feeling positive about self-discipline and moving forward

Believing in my future again

Acting on my dreams


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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2007, 05:11:58 AM »
Finding Peace,

When you wrote:

"I think at some point in my life (and I can think of a few), I decided that I was so tired of no boundaries and everyone walking all over me that I erected huge boundaries, boundaries so strong and thick that I let no one in.  Ironically, before NC, the walls applied to those outside of my FOO more than inside the FOO (in retrospect I think the reverse would have been a lot healthier!)."

that really struck a chord with me.

There was a time (in my mid-twenties) when I actually remember saying to someone at work who I knew well ' I don't need any friends - I only need my family'.  Years later, she told me this had sounded really scary to her. I'd thought it was normal, as my family had always lived by the idea that 'outsiders' are dangerous, so we 'kept ourselves to ourselvess' But, guess what? That was my NMum's idea, not mine really. Took years to work that one out. Seeing the outside world as the 'enemy' and home as 'safe'  is a very sneaky way that they train you not to leave.



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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #20 on: July 18, 2007, 06:52:59 AM »
Hi Beth,
I think for me, the big one is valuing myself. I just went which ever way the wind blew. You want to hurt me? OK. You want to leave me? OK. Whatever you wanted me to do, however you wanted me to act, OK by me! You want me to like to ride motorcycles (ex), no problem! I'll even kill myself working to buy you one! You get the idea. That was me.
I don't do that anymore! Thanks to this board!
"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." -- Coach Bear Bryant....
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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #21 on: July 18, 2007, 11:51:37 AM »
Hey Shunned,

Like the continum idea.......but I have to confess, I am a little childish on this.  I want my healing and I want it today!!! :x (tantrum tantrum)

"You want to hurt me? Ok.  You want to leave me? OK."

This was me too.  Watching myself do this -- like an out of body experience.  And then finally learning how to say no more.  Feel like I have to learn those boundaries, those self valuing skills, everyday. 



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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2007, 12:50:04 PM »
Hey Beth ,
Great question I can answer this one easily it is number 1) Valuing yourself I can see from a small child I always thought everyone was better than me.
Also it was not until high school this changed ....I  had teachers that helped me books and learning from 3d friends and friends right here as well.
So thank you for the question good thread...


finding peace

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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2007, 07:59:30 PM »
Hi Janet,

Yes - they use isolation techniques from a very young age to keep you locked into the "family."  I hear about the isolation techniques a lot with Npartner relationships (where the NH or NW won't allow their partner to have friends outside the relationship), but not so much with families.

I too was taught that the outside world was dangerous and that the only ones I could trust were my FOO (ha! - have to laugh at that one).  Also, whenever I brought a friend home for them to meet, there was always something wrong with them - they didn't live in the right kind of house, they didn't wear the right kind of clothes, they had their ears pierced too may times, their mother was a single mother, their father didn't have an executive nauseum.  I also couldn't trust how my parents and brother would act when I had a friend over.  The parents would also get jealous that my attention was not focused on them, so after my friends would leave, I would get h*** for something or other.  Over time I just stopped pursing friendships - just too draining. 

It is a very hard pattern to break.  Unfortunately, I was also in an abusive relationship in my early 20's - got out of it fairly quickly, but that just about sealed those walls.

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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2007, 12:35:40 AM »

What a great topic.  It is a great book, so helpful, but painful to read.

I suffer from all 7, but I think the most important struggle (and lesson to learn) for me now is boundaries.

So many wonderful posts.  Many people are expressing ideas and feelings I have and this makes me feeless alone, less “abnormal”, less freakish. 

Regarding forgiveness, some people, like Alice Miller, feel it’s OK not to forgive.  I agree with Iphi that forced forgiveness doesn’t heal and I have also heard that in the afterlife, we all forgive each other, which is a comforting thought.

The girl who almost destroyed me was a victim of incest.  I wish her parents had been different.

I don’t mean to keep mentioning about Alice Miller, but she talks about this situation in describing Hitler’s upbringing.  Bad parenting can unleash evil into the world.

So sorry Pennyplant for those nasty kids. 

But there's no "right" place to be, all the time; it changes throughout our lives.

I love your continuum idea, it’s very freeing and takes some pressure off.

Finding Peace
maintaining boundaries – I think as a young child I was not allowed to have any boundaries.  If I tried to erect those fragile little walls – they were demolished, quite painfully, at the hands of my FOO.  I think at some point in my life (and I can think of a few), I decided that I was so tired of no boundaries and everyone walking all over me that I erected huge boundaries, boundaries so strong and thick that I let no one in.  Ironically, before NC, the walls applied to those outside of my FOO more than inside the FOO (in retrospect I think the reverse would have been a lot healthier!).  The walls have thinned somewhat for a few people, but not many, and not all the way.

Boy, Finding Peace you really expressed my feelings. 

There was a time (in my mid-twenties) when I actually remember saying to someone at work who I knew well ' I don't need any friends - I only need my family'.  Years later, she told me this had sounded really scary to her. I'd thought it was normal, as my family had always lived by the idea that 'outsiders' are dangerous, so we 'kept ourselves to ourselvess' But, guess what? That was my NMum's idea, not mine really. Took years to work that one out. Seeing the outside world as the 'enemy' and home as 'safe'  is a very sneaky way that they train you not to leave.

Me, too Janet.  My family was a fortress: no outsiders got in and none of us could leave.

My mother also almost always found something wrong with my friends or boyfriends and before I knew it, she would talk me out of liking.  Once she tuned me into their faults, I was focused on their faults.



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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2007, 12:50:12 AM »

Yes, after I 'escaped' the FOO from hell, I left home only to live with an N (that my NMum and Nsister had 'chosen' for me). Took 6 years to get away from him.

They seem to enjoy setting us up for relationship failure, so that we'll go back to them. My Nmum even suggested that I moved back in with her (when I ended the abusive boyfriend relationship), and my Dad could 'have' my flat to live in, as she despised him, and wanted me back under her roof so that she could control me better. The fact that neither me nor my Dad wanted to do that totally flummoxed her...after all, it was SUCH a good idea!!

finding peace

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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #26 on: July 19, 2007, 09:21:12 PM »
Janet -

 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: move back in? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:



I am so glad you are out of those relationships and have found a truly wonderful partner!
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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #27 on: July 20, 2007, 07:09:41 AM »

Thank you for the 'shocked looks'!!

Yep, seemed pretty mental to me, too, even back then.

I was sooo desperately hard up once I'd separated from the Nboyfriend (as he'd cleared out my bank accounts, getting me overdrawn), that it would have been MUCH easier to move back in, but my instinct just told me not to. As soon as I'd left home, even with living with the Nboyfriend, I had still managed to increase my weight from an anorexic 5 stone 3 lbs to 7 stone 7 lbs in a year - simply by not having to live with my mother! I sure as hell wasn't going to let her do THAT to me again!

Guess, what...surprise, surprise - both my Nmum and Nsister hated my husband from the moment they set eyes on him (they could obviously see that he wasn't falling for any of it).

My Nmum's reason was 'he's too clever' (i.e he's got a degree, and at the time was a schoolteacher)

My Nsister's reason was 'he's a teacher, and everyone knows how awful they are' (meaning she did averagely at school, whereas I did really well, and she felt inadequate, so she'd projected that onto the 'nasty' teachers, therefore ALL teachers were dreadful!)

Both of them claimed once I started NC that he was stupid to 'blindly support me ' and 'fall for my lies'. Aaarrgghhh!!



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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #28 on: July 20, 2007, 10:22:17 AM »

Funnily enough, I'm not at all surprised your H doesn't like Maria...although she sounds lovely, to me! :D



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Re: Most Important Issue For You
« Reply #29 on: July 20, 2007, 07:18:13 PM »
Dear Shunned,
   When I still had  good "mental health", I "knew" that we all as humans were the same.This comforted me b/c if I was upset, I thought that all people deal with these feelings. I was not alone.Then, after many layers of N lies--- I was lost.
   I felt alone-- not connected to others by having the same emotions. I thought that I was "bad" b/c I was damaged by an N mother.
   Your post reminded me that this is not the case.I am on the continuum of emotions that humans have.
      Thanks for reminding me, Shunned.Please keep posting. I love your voice                  Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung