finding peace
lighter and
I had no idea this would bring such responses, as writing a book and alluding to the fact I could do that!
I also never realized until I talked of this, the strength I must have had to get through it--- I was propelled by Fear and fear of failure and of course to be back on my own with my little girl.
Do you know it took my therapist to notice and make me realize the full extent of "going through all this alone without any support".
Yes, Sally, that night I was going home to wash my hair--- that was somewhat delayed. That was so caring of that night nurse!
My date (3rd date) wanted to get me in the sack and even borrowed a buddy's key for his apartment with the expectation. When he told me, I said "No! I meant it. as I wanted to wash my hair, set it and prepare a bit for a girl friend who was coming for the next day & ½. He tromped on the gas and was speeding at 120 mph. I was scared out of my wits and was paralyzed before I was actually paralyzed. His obvious 'sense of entitlement" has me wondering if he is an N.,
He lost control of the car and it rolled 3 rimes, skidding 975 feet. I was being tossed and said to myself, "Izzy, you are being in one hell of a car crash."
Since this was so long ago, it is just another tale of part of my life. I've told the therapist that I see my life as a wheel (wagon, I guess). I am the hub and all my experiences are the spokes, but there is no rim to connect one with the other. They just poke out into empty air.
The light(s) I saw, sally, were my own twinkling coloured lights, as well as the sky had turned all pastel shades from the actual gray of 2:00 a.m. No doctor was present so I don't know if my heart stopped or not, but I sure feel and remember being away up in the air and 'leaving'
As I might have said I wrote at chronology for a friend of mine who had so many questions. It was 14 pages long.
There are so many stories and I even had the therapist laughing at one. It's a very important one though that shows every patient is not just a chart on the wall.
Thanks everyone for thinking such good thoughts and sending them to me