This is regarding my mother, rather than my sister...
but I will make this statement first...I was reading about C or NC with the N. I had to think to myself, "ok, first of all, I wasn't raised by Narcissists, so for me to say anything, it will make me look "holier than thou" but I have gone through a mentor/mentee relationship with one, so I do know something of where these hurting people are coming from.
Secondly, once I gave myself permission to post to this thread, I have to ask all of you...C or NC...what is the REASON WHY you'd WANT to have intimate contact with an abuser in the first place? What does it do for you? Do you really not like yourself that much, to consistently put yourself into those positions over and over again? I guess I don't understand the mindset of "self-punishment" because, really isn't that what it would be? It's like, knowing their is a dog that bites you every time you turn a certain corner of the street, yet, purposely going back and letting it bite you repeatedly, all for the sake of being "friendly" with "all creatures"...I just never have gotten that.
I do think it's more on the victimized person's end, that they want to keep contact with an N. Personally, a narcissist can do with/without you, either way. They could care LESS if you want them around. They are in this only for THEMSELVES, not to keep a relationship with you, since they do not even GRASP what RELATIONSHIP is or feels like.
Just something to think about. Don't qualify abusers in the same category with healthy-thinking and behaving WILL get burned every time.
As I was reading all of the posts here, I just wanted to give some input into my situation as well. My biological mom was and is more PARANOID than narcissistic. Everything I tell her, she will find the "can't do" in it. A typical dialogue follows. Anyone relate?
Me: "Mom, I finally got a job and I'm so excited! I'll be setting appointments for a guy named _________."
Mom: " much is he paying you?"
Me: $10 per appointment."
Mom: "But that means that if you don't get ANY appointments for him, you don't get paid."
Me: "Oh, I am not worried about that. I've done this before."
Mom: "Yeah, well, he may SAY he's gonna pay you, but you don't KNOW that for sure, right?"
Me: "Mom, this is a good, reputable company. I've worked for them before."
Mom: "It may or may not be a good company...that's not what I'm saying. But if you work all that time for him and you don't get paid, THEN what are you gonna do? See, you have to think of these things, Laur"
Me: "Well, I'm not worried about that. It is not a fly-by-night sort of thing. My boss is the district manager in the place...don't you think he has a reputation to keep up and he'll make good on that?"
Mom: "Look, I'm not gonna argue with you about it. It's your life...I'm just saying "be know all the other things you've gotten into that haven't worked out."
Me: "Well, I HAVE to make this time work out, Mom. I'm SICK of living in poverty."
Mom: "Where are your kids while you are working?"
Me: "I'm working from home."
Mom: "Ohhhhh...well that's a GOOD thing...cause you don't want to leave your kids alone and go out to work. Something might happen. People are strange these days."
Me: "yeah. I know."
Mom: "ok, well I gotta go. I'm glad you got a job. I hope this one works out for ya. We'll see ya, ok bye."
(As a result, I battle times of such PARANOIA myself about almost EVERYTHING. My children laugh at my irrational fears and tell me "you are so paranoid, Mom!" I almost want to HATE my mother for it, and I probably WOULD if I wasn't a follower of Yah and if it didn't seem to feel so JUSTIFIED to me in this crazy, dangerous world.)