I have been doing a lot of introspection lately. It all started when I was assigned a paper to do for English class two weeks ago. The topic of the paper was to write about our childhood and adolescence, and apply it as to how it has formed us into the people we are today: emotionally, and psychologically. What I am trying to get at was that I bullsh***ed the whole entire five-page paper. You have no idea how bad I wanted to just write the truth. I guess I was scared. I was scared that, I don’t know, it would get out somehow, and into the wrong hands, and people would look at me differently. I hate that saying, "The truth will set you free." Hell, one thing I know for certain, is that the truth wouldn‘t set me free. Even if I did set it free in that paper it still is a part of me whether I liked it or not, and it wouldn’t have made me feel any better nor worse by unleashing it.
Then I asked myself the question, "Who am I?" The funny part was that I don’t know. I tend to look and relate myself to a void in every aspect and sense. Now I am not going through the whole, look at me, I am going through the process of finding myself, as other people my age. It’s the exact opposite, because I feel like I am so darn old, I feel like I have already lived my life and I am only 19-years-old. The sad part was that I have felt like this my entire life, since the age of three, I swear. As a child I was always told that I was too mature for my age, far more mature than all the other children, and some of their parents (you know the half-witted parents, my parents) too. I never felt like I belonged with people my own age, I always related better to people that were older than I was. Odd, I know. That’s the only way I can describe it though. I’ve always felt like I was wise beyond my years, not in the attained knowledge sense, but in the sense, that I’ve already been there done that kind of way. From a young age on, I knew that life was a b***h and that it was a hard and cruel place. It was evident to me that the only way to get by was to not let anybody walk all over me, and to always stand my ground no matter what either verbally or physically (if it came down to it). At home, it was the same way too. Both my parents were hard asses.
My father was the one who was never home, but when he was there was hell to pay. No one could ever do anything right. I was never, ever hit as a child, but verbally abused by my father, yes. I remember this one time, I was in first grade, I came home with an 85 on a math test, and he yelled at me, and screamed, "What the f**k is wrong with you? An 85, why couldn’t you f***ing get a 100 f***ing percent? I don’t raise f***g losers. Look, at all you f***ing have. Look, at all, I work hard for, for you and the rest of the family, so you all can have the best of everything, and this is how you f***ing repay me? All I asked was that you try your best, because education means everything in this world. You cannot fail in school, because if you do, you will get nowhere in life. Again, I’ll say, that I don’t raise losers, and no one in this family is going to grow up to be a deadbeat. Next time, get a 100 percent, not an 85." Then he walked out of the room, and shut my door behind him, the rest of the day he didn’t say anything to me…he didn’t even look at me, and he didn’t apologize…ever. So from that point on I worked my butt off in school. That’s how I got by with everything; I would bury my head in homework and in books. That’s why I am so hard on myself when it comes to what I do. It has nothing to do with pleasing my father; it has to do with me showing him up. In a way proving, I did this on my own, and it has nothing to do with you or what you "gave" me.
My mother now, was always the nurturing one, the one who tried to fix my father’s mistakes. She was strict, but not in the way that he was. Say when I went out she had to know where I was 24/7, who I was with, the address and the phone number of who I was staying with…this is even when I just wanted to go over and play over a friend’s house. To this day, I still do not even know how they are still married to each other. They are exact and total opposite. I know, opposites attract, but they should have detracted a long, long time ago. The one thing that my mother always clung to was her faith. I came from an extremely religious household, though I never believed in "God" or the Catholic Church. I have always thought that it was a bunch of bs.. If my mother heard that, she would have a heart attack. She would basically feel as though she had failed me in some way, and I wouldn’t want her to go through that, because she has done so much for me, even though at times we don’t see eye-to-eye. I cannot say that for my father though. All I have in my heart is hatred for that "man."
Now, onto my lovely older brother. How does he cope with everything? Alcohol. I have tried to help him an infinitive amount of times, but he doesn’t want my help, nor anyone else’s, so I have decided to just leave him be. I have given up trying. I cannot help someone that doesn’t want to be helped. In the back of my mind though, I keep hoping that one day he will turn his life around, and ask for my help or anyone’s help…either that or his liver is going to give out on him. Sometimes, I don’t blame him though. It seems like it’s the easier way out. To be numb all the time. Not having to think or feel. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t go that route, I have too much going for me, and I have the rest of my life ahead of me. My brother didn’t have it easy growing up either, but he had it a hell of a lot easier than I did, that’s for sure.
My father’s attitude towards my brother was that he had to be the best of the best, and excel in sports, screw academics. If anything in the household went wrong, I was blamed out of the two of us. It was always over stupid little things too. Like, washing the dishes or our rooms not being clean enough…not being immaculate. Sometimes, I just wish it would all just end, that we could be normal. Then and again, what is normal? According to society, and everyone else on the outside, we were the normal, picture-perfect family. On the inside, I, for one, was slowly killing myself with each and every fake smile, that I greeted the world with every day.
That’s why I am so headstrong. That’s why I am so unemotional. That’s why I am cold. That’s why I am the way I am, because that’s the way I evolved, that’s the way I grew up.
Sometimes, I really envy any other person that’s in touch with their emotions. There are so many times, I wish that I could just cry. There are so many times I needed to cry, but couldn’t. I have been like that ever since I was little…not being able to cry. The only way I can cry is when someone that is close to me dies. I cry for a little while, but not too long… As soon as I heard my grandmother died, I cried for about 2 seconds. Through the whole wake, through the whole funeral, I stood there stone faced. I felt nothing. I couldn’t feel anything. I tried to make myself cry at the funeral, but I couldn’t. I even resorted to poking myself in the eye with my finger, to make my eyes tear up…it worked for about a second. Then I was back to the same stone cold face. I wanted so much to breakdown in tears, because that’s how I felt, but I couldn’t, my body wouldn’t allow me to, no matter how hard I tried. On the inside, I may be dead, but I still hurt.
Maybe, this would have been to the extent of what I would have written for the paper. Whom am I kidding? As much as I wanted to, I know that if I had a chance to do it again, I would have stuck with the same decision that I made. Whether or not I like to admit it... I pretend to have a perfect life, a perfect family, because that is what the people around me expect of me. Think of it whatever way you want. Think that I am going through denial. Chances are you didn't grow up the way I did, around the fake, phony people I did. I guess it rubbed off on me in some ways. I just contradicted myself, because to those who know me, or anyone I meet, they will tell you that I am the realest person they have ever met. In general, there is nothing fake about me, or the way I carry myself. The only aspect that I am fake is when it comes to my family and home life. I suppose it’s because I don't want anyone's pity, that's why I pretend that everything is all hunky-dory. And that's why I stay distanced from people, that‘s why I put up my wall, that's why I am always on my guard. I put my life on it, that if anyone was in my place, they would have done the same thing I have done my entire life: pretend that they're just another all American, cookie-cutter girl.
In a twisted way, I guess that this is some sort of closure for me. All I know is for the first time in my life, I feel vulnerable, and this is not a pleasant feeling whatsoever.
So, this is the person that no one has have ever seen, or ever known...
- Nikole
P.S. - Thanks in advance for taking the time out to read my tirade...