CB, thank you for bringing this back to the top... this topic of Axa's thread does seem to be at the center of many of my own conflicts and challenges.
And since I only seem to get the tiniest glimpses of these insights at one time, I appreciate the opportunity to return to Axa's original post here and discover what else might leap out at this point.
As a child, I'd sit powerless and watch my mother assault my father's person, too.. but she never lifted either a hand or her voice to him.
She simply rejected him... casting down everything about him which makes him who he is - his style, his mannerisms, his level of education, his menial job (which always did provide quite satisfactorily for us), the house he built for her... everything.
By the time I can remember, I guess she figured that she'd had such success in her attempts to mold me in her image, she'd give him another go.
By this time, he'd have been near 50 years old and not about to be molded.
But he dutifully took her on those long Sunday afternoon drives to look at models of colonial style houses in uptight suburbs.
Rejected: the lovely ranch-style brick house he built in the low-life countrified area which she so despised.
He dutifully did alot of things... but when she insisted on golf lessons, he balked. As I've heard it told, he pitched a hissy fit at the instructor and stormed off the course.
Funny how a little game of golf got such a strong reaction and yet he let her get away with so much other hyper-control. Maybe because the instructor was male... I dunno. The other place he held his ground was in refusing to further his education. This must have been a real sticking point.
When her attempts to restructure his entire personality got his goat, I was always there to absorb Dad's frustration. Could I sit down at the supper table and enjoy a meal? No... by this time, he'd consumed several shots 'n beers and began his drilling of me on questions to which I had no answer... always with the tone -
"You're so smart - you're getting all this education - you should KNOW this."
I was probably in 3'rd to 5'th grade... and by the time he got done with me, thoroughly convinced that I knew nothing.
So I'd sit there feeling like every bite of food was lodged between throat and stomach while he consumed his meat and potatoes in a style very reminscent of King Henry VIII - vile and disgusting, mouth open, fingers covered with.... whatever. And as the food would begin to absorb some of the alcohol in his system, he'd become more magnanimous.
This was when he'd begin his ritual of tossing more food onto my plate.
Here, have a hunk of meat.
By the way, he did the same routine with my husband on our recent visit.
Not the drilling, but the tossing of more food onto his plate, as though it was his duty as host to tell a grown man to eat more, more, more.
After the meal, mother went silently and stoicly to the sink to begin the clean up. He'd approach her at that sink from behind and wrap her in a bear hug (slimy fingers and all) and she'd stiffen like a board. He'd blah blah blah about the meal being good, "mother"... and I'd hear her hissss* under her breath as he stumbled away... "I'm not your mother!"
One of these little glimpses a day is more than enough for me.
Axa, I hope you're alright and will be back... whether here or on another topic.
With love,