Dandylife, I need to address some issues with you in a kind, considerate manner.
You talk about being careful & ask for what you want when you post. Forgive me Dandylife, but when tears of rage, hurt, & fear are streaming down your face, it's HARD to know WHAT you want. That's how I was just a few short weeks ago when I found this board.
I was just trying to hold my a## on! I don't think it's fair nor reasonable to ask a newbie like me, who has held this stuff in for so long, to know how to post, or what to ask for.
As far as the intelluctual responses, I don't care if you spometimes give one of those responses! That's not the problem. I LIKE to discuss things like that. It's HOW you do it. People, just be KIND. Even if you are more "thinking" than "feeling". Don't tell me I don't have a right to my pain because it's out of pure, raw emotion & doesn't make sense. OF COURSE I DON'T MAKE SENSE! I'm just a few days into my journey! I'm OBVIOUSLY a more emotional person. Fine! Someone said on an earlier post, that they felt they were being pick on (so to speak) because they are more intellecual. I felt the opposite from the people who rallied around the poster that hurt me, so we ALL have a different point of veiw.
And as for CH's or OC or anyone eles's wonderful & dignified way of handling this situation, well hat's off to 'em!! Sorry I can't react the same way. I might've could be there by now, if I hadn't just started my journey & was attacked for asking a question. That knda set me back!
You know, all this has just made me sick. I went and took a 3 hr nap after I posted my "rant", so maybe it was good for something.
I DO like the idea of a "Newbie's Corner". I need to be separated from the proverbial lions when I need to vent.
Someone else said maybe the abortion hurt should be started as a different thread. I agree, but not sure I'm up for it. That's what I realized I should've done when I was attacked, but I honestly didn't realize that's the way this forum worked & got excited with a thought from a post in THAT thread. Now, by golly, I KNOW!
I gonna try this one more time. And if you have something to say to me, please say it to me. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but sometimes I feel instead of responding to my post, a poster will address it in ANOTHER post to someone else. I:E: Oh, you've handle this in such a mature way"
If I freak you out with my emotions, tell ME, ok. Nobody will ever admit to doing that, so I don't know WHY I even brought it up.
Thanks to Sally & the ones that are just chiming in. It is awful, but I really do want to be here.