Hi Pal,
Is it okay if I ask you to ponder something...I hope it helps, I don't want to stir the pot...this is meant as a gentle question:
If you think about the notion of someone being "snippy" , and then you think about the word attack -- do they seem like they match? Like...if they were weights in your hands, would they weigh the same?
I think you had a strong triggered feeling when you felt "corrected". Does that go waaaay back? (By the way, I can so relate to hugging cardboard cutouts...my NMom literally stands there, arms stiff at her sides, whenever I put my arms around her). Anyway, I just want to say that from being around a while, I know Write has had a tough time with her bipolar illness at times. She manages it so very well but it can be disabling. And she's just now had an episode, and a very recent divorce and move to handle. For her, the phrase "mental illness" is triggering too. My guess is when she was abrupt in that post, it had nothing to do with you...just her own trigger--that resonates with her life as much as feeling "lectured" resonates with you.
I don't know about you, but I'm often not "in the moment" enough to catch on that things I respond with great heat and hurt to, are often not about me at all. I was just thinking, maybe weighing the words, and knowing a little more about the context, might be helpful. If not, feel free to ignore me! I promise not to take it personally.
Meanwhile, if I'm beating a dead horse into dogfood, forgive me. I like you and am delighted you are here with us! You are an ebullient interesting woman and I am enjoying getting to know you. Everybody hits "off notes" now and then, but I truly believe that as a group, as a community, we try hard to be good to each other.
Knowing that about the overall intention is good enough for me. I have faith in this board as a healing, growing, amazing place (warts and mistakes and all)--I hope in time you will too.
Is your hubby on the road this weekend?