I'll be back on my home computer 'drip' by the end of July. I'll probably give a report on it all when I get home.
The main thing I needed to reconcile and work into my spirit was the 'savior rising' part of me that would do anything to keep this woman from falling and the real likelihood of a tormenting death resulting from it. No wonder I was exhausted. A savior I am not! A fixer I am not! I finally learned it.
I look forward reading about your time away.
So glad that actually happened for ya.
How's your brother doing?
Bet it's been a looooong 3 weeks for him.
As for giving up the savior spirit thing..... I haven't had to do it with a parent but.... I've been doing it with a friend and family members.
I was sorta pushed into it giving it up..... it's been a relief in some ways and more turmoil in others.
I was barely keeping my own head above water. I couldn't really manage it, to tell the truth.
My not saving someone caused even more troubles and I ended up back in the position of caretaking once again.
Pressure is being applied to rectify that, yet again. Someone on my team is very very focused and has NO time for caretaking those that aren't willing to help themselves.
She urges me to release the feeling of responsibility and hand it all back to those that should be handling it.
I can see both sides, unfortunately.... and I feel guilt from the pit of my stomach.
Just today I was ordered around by a family member and I hopped to did their bidding. Chaos and trouble ensued. NO good deed goes unpunished and she actually told me that all the chaos was MY idea, lol. ::shaking head::
Absurd and I can only shake my head and try not to say awful things to her.
I don't know how to deal with Borderline Personality Disordered people..... yet.
One elephant at a time, please. She doesn't cut me any slack during this pressing time in my life. She makes outrageous and hurtful statements then asks me to do things for her that she should have already done for herself but she's too proud to ask other people she's ticked off too.
As for the NON family member...... I go back and forth between putting my foot down...... or relaxing into 'extending grace' to this person who once extended it to me.
A different kind of grace, but grace none the less.
Very very hard to give up that savior halo: /
Not sure why but it was like untying a lifeline for someone I usually keep tied to me. Releasing it almost made me go smaller and limp inside. It didn't feel good but I was interested in seeing just exactly
WHAT it did to me.
The truth is...... it's not my responsibility and intellectually I can see that.
I have been enabling, not helping that person move beyond.
The grace extended to me..... helped me help myself and it wasn't extended, it was short term.
There's a difference.
If we help people remain stuck.... are we really helping them?
Come back and tell your story when you're ready, tt: )
::trying to pry savior halo off with a screwdriver::
Must have needed that vent. Thanks tt.