Guest, I think it's fine if you want to be anonymous. Actually, we are all anonymous on this Board. I think anonymity can give some people freedom to say what they really feel, can really allow some their voice.
So, I'll probably be in the dog house for this post, or just ignored.
bow wow.
Actually, Sally..... it's the 'naughty corner'.... not the dog house: /
::patting bench:: You can come sit next to me.
It's for anyone who doesn't agree with
every poster, I guess.
I don't post regularly with anonymous posters on any board.
I can't keep up with all the posters who are forthright.....
and helping me figure out what's going on.
I live with enough confusion already, thanks.
Funny thing is.... I don't want to change your mind about how you feel or post.
I certainly can't help Guest feel differently about being hypocritical /critical of the collective board members....
for something that happened to her months ago.
I don't even know what it was so.....
I'll call it like I see it and take a rest.
She can continue to be in stealth mode,
in a place she doesn't feel safe,
for reasons we can't be privy to,
on a thread we know nothing about
And you can continue to post however you choose.
Asking others to post as you do isn't really fair either, IMO.
And that's what Guests OP was about, except she wasn't even doing that, was she?
She wasn't.
Very confusing and that's all I have to say about that.
::getting up and leaving naughty corner::