Thanks CB for finally addressing me.
I have been asked, but
I didn't feel it was sincere or well intentioned and
I didn't feel comfortable and I don't have to do anything unless
I feel comfortable.
You do not know who I am at all. When I posted here I had an entirely different email address, which account I cancelled.
But this whole conversation is defensive and aggressive.
My response to you is not about my past hurt with other people. It is about your actions. Not something I am projecting
About my actions?
You're assuming who I am.
And you are assuming whatever that you think happened on the board was about you.
Well, newsflash -- it wasn't about you; it was about my own trauma from way back and all that I needed was a soft place to fall.
It wasn't personal.
Why not just ask me with genuine concern what the hell happenned -- I don't feel the concern because it doesn't seem to be there.
And after all of these years I've learned to trust my instincts.
They've never failed me.
I am not your fake, ranting, screaming N -- I am someone else.
Please stop treating me like I am that person.This will be my only response to you. You can have your thread back.
My N dad used to do this -- announce in a dismissive way that he won't be addressing me anymore. I've learned it was to reject me -- put me in my place.
There's a number of on going threads here and an option to start more -- what could be so attractive about this thread, so important that anyone needs to post on it and announce that they won't be posting anymore; or announce how much they dislike the conversation; or announce how much they'd like it to go away.
Why not just ignore it all together?
It's a rhetorical question. I'm not interested in arguing.
I just wanted to be left to voice my own pain and feelings in peace. God knows what I need and I trust in Him, that He will send it to me, even if it comes only be the relief I get in typing these words. All of this, I believe, is just standing in His way. But that is the job of Satan, to block the goodness coming your way and to leave you in pain and sadness and Satan will use anyone who will allow themselves to be used.
I understand not everyone shares my faith -- and I don't say this to be offensive or accusatory but :
I claim my good and I rebuke Satan on this thread and ask God to give me the peace that He promised me so that I can continue to testify about his goodness and glory.Amen.