Thank you Laura, so much. You've really described more in depth what I'm feeling NOW here and what I felt growing up in my home.
I feel validated and heard. Thank you for that.
You see, if I stop posting here
because of how I've been treated some people on the board will say:
See, G101 is a trouble maker -- a troll. I told you'd it blow over though, if you just ignored the posts. Read the cyberbully post and the warning that was put up -- it's all happened before. It's just this person's way of getting attention.
If I continue to post some on the board will say:
See, G101 is a troublemaker -- a troll. It will blow over though, if you just ignore her. Read the cyberbully post and the warning I put up -- it's all happened before. It's just this person's way of getting attention. This poster is BAITING you -- ignore it. Walk away. There's nothing to see here folks. It's what I said it was -- don't use your own judgment -- use our judgement instead. We know better than you, newbie/newcomer. This person is BAD so treat this person BAD -- this person deserves it.As if getting attention is a bad thing. But no, wait it is BAD thing, in this dysfunctional way of thinking -- it is being an EXAGGERATED VICTIM. Oh my goodness, what a horrible, horrible set of words.
I don't feel K felt guilty about hurting you. I have to disagree w/ that. From my experience I think if you apologized to her and she didn't respond back with the same it would make HER LOOK BAD -- remember, it's all about image. And it sounds like K needed to keep up some kind of sterling image of a minister with good intentions.
It seems that the bad behavior had to be constantly covered up with good behavior to keep the image up so that's why you'll hear empty apologies.
My FOO was the same. They'd do something horrible and then cover it up. But emotionally that's like covering up a pile of manure with chocolate syrup. It's disgusting -- if you know what it is.
Exactly what I said to K in the end. Her response in a very lethargic voice "I don't understand what you mean, girlie" (was she BLIND? was she DUMB? was she PLAYING WITH MY MIND?)
I don't feel that she was blind or dumb. I feel definitely she was playing w/ your mind, like a person would play a chess board.
It was all about her, all the time -- you didn't matter to her, but only to reflect back to her her perfect image.
In my experience, and from what I've learned since the family operated under her rules, they served the same purpose, to reflect back to her this perfect image so
anyone who didn't do that had to be destroyed. Certainly none of the family was going to risk being cast in your place as the scapegoat. They'd probably learned a long time ago what the wrath of K felt like.
Sometimes here I feel that same cycle is being repeated Some will say stick it out, this place is good, it will get better but meanwhile it's the person that's been scapegoated that's feeling all the hurt -- a hurting that can't really be discussed, can it w/o the same cycle of ignore, bash, label, ostracize being replicated. More hurt.
why would a person stay and be subject to such abuse? wouldn't it be normal for a person to want to get away?