I am ambivalent about socializing with people. Sometimes I want to be around people. But usually I want to be left alone. I hate it when the phone rings. I dread it when people invite me to anything. Still, I don't want to be excluded or rejected. I'm ambivalent. I stopped judging myself on it. I may lose friends who need more contact, but that's okay. We probably aren't compatible.
bunny, I loved your reponse!

. So, so, so


I had the funniest thought! You'd be so great to go out with. I'm imaging taking you out for coffee to meet some of my anally retentive friends (not you Nic Obviously,

guffaww, guffaww,

snort, snort).
I'm picturing us sitting out in the morning sun, sidewalk cafe-style. My friend Maria starts winding up to have a good whinge about her husband's most recent affair. And you'd have ben sitting there listening silently, observing everything, saying nothing. Then bang, you'd King Hit with us with one of your succinct, straight to the guts of the matter, completely honest and spot-on questions and observations.
I'd fall of my chair with laughter watching Maria, as she'd be choking to death on the cigarette smoke she swallowed in shock at your frank honesty. Meanwhile, you'd be thinking,

"What? What? What did I say?"
((hug to bunny))