Hello My Dears-
Thank you so much for the prayers and replies. I am not a person who becomes depressed usually, but the health issues, isolation, and the dissolution of my marriage were bearing down upon me with such a force, I cannot describe it adequately. It is wonderful to be able to express myself in all my weakness and have the benefit of the support and sound advice that you gave to me during those dark hours of the soul. I usually play the advisor and Earth Mother role, and hide my fears.
I now have a dependable a ride to and from the surgery- Thank you for your prayers! I am having a procedure done on the nerves in my back. I am putting off the foot surgery, as I will have to be non-weight bearing for months (last time it took almost a year, between the surgeries, bone grafts, etc., and I lived in my dining room in a hospital bed between hospital stays. No computer to communicate with others and handle business, etc., on, and I used up almost all of my savings- it was bleak! My husband abandoned me then, and he lived in a new, air-conditioned apartment. It was very hard, and I am in a better position now, so I won't be scared- I can take care of things for myself!
My next door neighbor was going to drive me Friday, but an urgent matter came up with her mother (I am taking care of her cat, but her daughter will have to take over after Friday). I originally planned back surgery at this time, because I was accepted at law school, and this was the period when I could fit the surgery and healing in (I know that this is not ideal, but the best I could do). Given the chaos in my life , I almost gave up and postponed school ( it may have been the wiser course), but now I am going to try to start law school next month. Your encouragement has been inspiring, and the stories that you have shared have given me a model of self-determination and positive achievement. I am going to make lemonade out of the situation!
Thank you again,