Hi everyone,
I checked the site (forgiveness.org) that I recommended on the other forum, but it's under construction right now. So I thought I would try to summarize the basic points since the holidays are here!
Myths About ForgivenessForgiveness is not about glossing over wrongs.Archbishop Desmond Tutu: "Forgiveness is taking seriously the awfulness of what has happened when you are treated unfairly. Forgiveness is not pretending that things are other than the way they are."
Forgiveness is not amnesia."Forgiveness does not equal forgetting. It is about healing the memory of the harm, not erasing it." Dr. Ken Hart. The offense is still part of your history, but it does not have to dominate your life.
Forgiveness is not pardoning, condoning, or excusing: forgiveness does not remove consequences.Pope John Paul II forgave his intended assassin in a face-to-face encounter. The individual remains in prison where he can do no further harm.
Forgiveness does not have to include reconciliation; forgiveness is not the same as trusting.The injured party can forgive an offender even though the offender may never (or for safety sake, must never) be a part of his or her life in the future.
"Forgiveness is not a magic trick that allows us to control other people"--Robert D. Enright
Even if you change, the other person may not. Each person has free will.
Truths About ForgivenessForgiveness is empathy."I think it means...putting yourself in the position of the other person, and wiping away any sort of resentment and antagonism you feel toward them." Jimmy Carter
Forgiveness is essential to recovery."When a deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive." Alan Paton, author of Cry, the Beloved Country
"Forgiving is an act of mercy toward an offender. We are no longer controlled by angry feelings toward this person."--Robert D. Enright, Forgiveness is a Choice
Forgiveness is a journey to freedom."Forgiveness works directly on the emotion of anger (and related constructs such as resentment, hostility, or hatred) by diminishing its intensity or level within the mind and heart." --Richard Fitzgibbons
I hope this helps as we all navigate through new dynamics during the holidays. Thoughts? Take care, S.