Author Topic: I Need to let this out  (Read 3816 times)


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I Need to let this out
« on: July 24, 2007, 07:40:03 PM »
Hey Everyone :D,
As you know I'm new here. Bear with me this might not come out and make sense. :(... I have just come to the realization, or I should say have truly accepted the fact that I was raised by an emotionally barren, unavailable, feeling not allowed, never apologised her way or no way very loud  Mother. Than I was married to a man very much like her accept i thought he was different because he was quiet, but he was also very sneaky I came to find out. Than i was just involved with a man more like my mother than My husband who was loud, he appeared to have feelings , but he was all over the place with them. The one thing that they all had in common was twisting everything and making it my fault. The deep shame that I had ( the reason i say had is because the light has Finaly come on) I was more than happy to be the peace Maker and apologise and try and sort everyones feelings out because that was my job , and THEY LET ME say I'm sorry even when they new it was them. Each one of them counted on me caving. Oh yea i had boundaries and spoke my mind and stood up for myself, all they had to do was manipulate me, usually with silence, slamming doors the cold shoulder, yup worked like a charm and there i was trying to make peace. Be the responsible one the healthy one talking about feelings. I have beat my head against a brick wall with these people, made every excuse for them all.....N's com in all shapes and sizes. I'm am so happy to finally see this all for the truth and the denial has been lifted. I could always intellectually tell you it was them and what they were doing, but my heart always sent me back trying harder every time to reach these people. So now here i am feeling partly great and partly like a fool for letting them all play me and counting on my heart to make  me cave.  I realise with each relationship i was trying to get through to these men as some sort of subconscious  reenactment to reach my mother I get all that. But now here I sit, these people all have lives with partners and I'm just here realizing this at 43, my God I was so abused as a child and I feel manipulated and brainwashed or should I say trained to take on everyones feelings because they all had none.. It was second nature to me to just jump right in try to fix everything. i just reacted my way through life with these people , and they just sat back and What!!!!! were they laughing? do they realize what they are doing? Is it subconscious for them?  I gave them my all, my heart and soul, each and everyone of them. i almost feel like they stole from me. I do realise i am an adult and I stayed until I couldn't stay anymore with them, but that feeling like i would never give up on them, were they ever really there for me? They projected so many of there unfelt feeling onto me . i did the job of two people.......... Now i almost feel stupid, and ashamed for not seeing any of this sooner.
Thanks for letting me vent

Certain Hope

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Re: I Need to let this out
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2007, 07:59:29 PM »

Rearrange the "loud"s  and "quiet"s... and that's the story of my previous life.

Welcome to a new day!  8)

I hope you'll post away and I'm sure you'll be amazed at the results.

With love,


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Re: I Need to let this out
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2007, 08:12:24 PM »
Thank you Ami & Hope,
Yes I guess you can say I stepped out of denial.......well at least I'm walking out of it instead of dancing my way around it  :lol:
I guess it was God's time to take the security blanket off my eyes and heart so that I could finally see the truth........Hey I guess that means I'm getting stronger, more healthier. Next month will be 1 year since my breakup with the ex boyfriend and I have spent it single, working on myself , going to therapy, going to 12 step groups (Al-Anon). There wasn't a man who came into my life and I couldn't understand why, ( got very lonely at times) a friend of mine said to me "God wants you all to himself right now" and that really helped and comforted me, Because by the Grace of God I was in a relationship with myself for the first time in my life and I guess thats what it took to be able to see all this and start to heal. The restraining order will be over in Sept ( the ex boyfriend) and I hope I'm strong enough to deal with him if he tries to contact me.


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Re: I Need to let this out
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2007, 08:14:57 PM »
Dear Tweety,
   My intuition tells me that you will be strong enough, my Friend.  I like the comment that "God wants you all to Himself. That is beautiful                                      Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I Need to let this out
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2007, 08:22:48 PM »
Dear Ami,
I hope your right! Does your intuition tell you if I will meet a new healthy man anytime soon....... :lol: Well I'll tell you one thing If he does contact me ( Which of course part of me wants him to, you know, did he really love me, is he sorry etc) but of course I'm sure I'll get some kind of twisted answer, so hopfully that feeling will pass by Sept. I will be typing away so you all need to be on stand by.
Love Tweety

finding peace

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Re: I Need to let this out
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2007, 08:29:20 PM »
Now i almost feel stupid, and ashamed for not seeing any of this sooner.

No shame or stupidity – brilliance for seeing it for what it really was!!!!!

Many never see it and live their entire lives following a pattern of beliefs that are not their own, and end up miserably unhappy, and never understanding why.  It is an extremely hard veil of lies and deceit to see, let alone break through, as you have been brainwashed from day 1 to believe that this was your role in life.

Congratulations for seeing it and breaking through!!!



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Re: I Need to let this out
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2007, 08:38:10 PM »
Dear Tweety,
  I can see that you still feel connected to him. It will pass the longer you are away from him. Also,as you heal, you will find him more repulsive than attractive, I think. He might be attractive in the 'bad boy" way, but your" regard and love for yourself part "will not think that it is worth it(IMO) . Keep writing and reaching out and you will get through it                                             Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I Need to let this out
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2007, 09:06:28 PM »
Besee, Peace and Ami
yes, I am very hard on myself . It is very hard to forgive myself for not seeing this stuff. especially since I'd like to think I'm an intelligent woman. Thank you for the compliments. It does make me angry now ( Not  good at anger) as I'm sure you all figured out, I turn it on myself, I start out being angry at them , but then doubt myself and turn it on me. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, kind of like going to the hardware store expecting to buy bread. ( looking for love and compassion from them)  But its hard to see the truth when there were parts of them that almost seemed human. And yes Ami , I believe you are right about him, my self worth will outway any feeling I had for him and I will be able to put him behind me. Its almost like I am standing here alone for the first time in my life , and just emotionally maturing now and trusting myself and my instincts.they have always been right on the money, but I was taught to not listen to myself,
well thank you all for the quick responses.
Hopefully I will be a savvy shopper now.
Love tweety


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Re: I Need to let this out
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2007, 09:17:26 PM »
Hi Tweety,
I'm sorry, sweetie. It is tough to be surounded by N's. Being ganged up on! I hate that!
I think the crucial difference between you & your mother & husband is -you have a HEART.
They don't. You always want to believe they'll change, everything will be different. Because you are not an N.
That was MY mistake, too.
They are out for THEM.
I hope you feel better soon.
"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." -- Coach Bear Bryant....
          To a group of boosters before an Auburn game.


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Re: I Need to let this out
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2007, 05:31:25 AM »
Dear Tweety,

What you have realised, although it's a shock, is something that many people shy away from for the whole of their lives. Facing up to the N's that have been in your life DOES make you feel an idiot at first, especially as most of us here like to think of ourselves as intelligent, sensible human beings (Most of the time, anyway :) ).

But that's what the N's go for - the way we feel bad about ourselves, and the way we always take on what they won't. We spend all our time apologising, trying to change because they tell us to (or hint at it).

I'm 45, and you're 43. Loads of us are in our 40's or 50's on here. It seems it takes half our lives to notice what's happening. But you've still got what's in front of you, and it'll be better than what's behind you.

As to whether you'll find a good man, eventually...I never believed I would. I lived on my own for nearly 2 years after splitting up with a violent Nboyfriend. Couldn't risk trying again. Then I happened to see a 'lonely hearts' ad in the paper, and I thought, well, it's worth a try.

We celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary next month.



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Re: I Need to let this out
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2007, 07:25:38 AM »
Dear Janet,
  It is beautiful that amidst our pain we do get beautiful things --- like your marriage. It is so nice to imagine you being loved and  supported after your hell with your mother .                     Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I Need to let this out
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2007, 09:22:55 AM »
Janet, that brings me joy. I'm so glad you found each other.

If you don't mind telling, can you remember anything about how you first "read" this good man?
How you saw Green Flags instead of red ones?

Was there something different about him on the first date?

Vicariously, affectionately,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I Need to let this out
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2007, 10:16:56 AM »

I started to say "self-forgiveness" and then I got mad, isn't it ridiculous that one has to practice self-forgiveness for not seeing and understanding N when one isn't an N, but I got the feeling you are judging yourself, I'm glad there are sweet beings in the world

Hey, Tweety and everyone,
Find myself sometimes beating myself up for "not seeing" or knowing what was happening.... I wonder if we could reframe it to a place of gratitude rather than a" mistake that needs forgiveness' sort of thing.  Maybe, "I am grateful that today was the day I finally saw that thing."  Feel the blessing of today without punishing ourselves for not doing it sooner or better.  Maybe today was the perfect timing. The right circumstances for you to feel safe enough to face things.  Perfect timing for the denial to slip gently away.

Really enjoy your spirit, Tweety.  Hope to get to know you better.



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Re: I Need to let this out
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2007, 01:55:18 PM »

I'm very aware that so many people on this board are in bad realationships, so I don't want to come across as smug when I talk about my husband. I lived for 6 years (off and on - he kept going back to this mother) with a violent N first. When I got shot of him, I was *determined* that I'd NEVER have a relationship with a man again, as I just thought I couldn't pick a good 'un! (The fact that my NMum and NSister had picked the violent one is another story).

Anyway, after living on my own for a couple of years, I really felt I wanted to share my life with someone (other than my 2 cats, that is), but I was so wary. I saw this advert in the local paper on the 'Lonely hearts' page, as I was peeling the potatoes onto it! I wasn't that determined to find someone, you see  :?

Anyway, I got the courage to respond to his ad, because it sounded so 'normal' - none of this 'sporty/active' type stuff or 'no obligation relationship' kind of code-words in the ad for something I didn't want at all...I just wanted a normal person!

When he got my letter, he rang me up, and we talked for about an hour. He had a very soft, gentle voice which put me at my ease immediately. One of the first things he told me was 'I've just got divorced, and I've got two lovely children, and I love them a lot'. I thought that was so sweet! It transpired that he was a teacher at the school that I used to attend, and that helped, because I could 'test' him on a few facts, to see if he knew about the building, the staff, etc. Just basic stuff, but it made me feel safer. We agreed to go out to the pub on the Saturday night. I remember telling my Nsister that I was going to meet him, and she was immediately negative (she hates teachers, as she's thick).

When he called at my flat, I hid in the room that looks out onto the porch from the side, so that I could sneak a look at him before opening the door. We went to the pub, and got there early (about 7pm). We started talking, and the next thing we realised, was that the place was completetly filled up, and we han't noticed at all. A few months later, we both admitted that it had taken about half an hour before each of us separately thought 'I want to marry this person'.

How can that happen so FAST? When we BOTH were going to be sooo careful?

I've never regretted it. He's my best friend. I love him to bits. He's done so much to help me heal from the N's in my life.

Sorry if this is sloppy. :D


PS After I'd known him about 18 months, and we were preparing for our wedding, my NMum caught us snogging at her house, and said 'You should have calmed down by now!' Hmmm. Just before our wedding? We still say we should have calmed down by now, each time we snog!


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Re: I Need to let this out
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2007, 02:23:06 PM »

I love this story. I really do and from a 'lonely hearts ad' covered with potato skins!

I love it!
