Have you ever wondered what the true enjoyment of life is?
Seems like such an unreachable ideal, doesn't it.
As an ideal, it certainly lacks any taste for me. Because that would cause me to look in to the future.
Do you really want to enjoy life, really enjoy it?
Then that is all you need to do. Just suck it in. Allow the here and now to possess you. Be totally aware of the moment. Forget about the report that is late (because it will still be late tomorrow), forget about the deadline that you have in 4 days (because it will still be do in 4 days), just soak up this very moment. Here the sounds, absorb the sights, smell what needs to be smelt, and so on. Let your mind play around in your present like it is the only thing that exists. Everything else is just noise in your eating of your life, everything except that which you will to come in. Now tell me how do you feel.
Are you afraid that this drug of eating life up now, at this very instant, can become addictive. Well, you guessed right. And guess what, there is nothing wrong with that. So soak it up and leave the future for the future. When the time comes, you will get that done too, and as you have just soaked up this moment, you can also soak up those other moments.