Author Topic: Competition for the craziest N Statements  (Read 4217 times)


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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2007, 10:50:01 PM »
My ex left me for another woman and told me he was not attracted to me at all.  He then told me he had had affairs with 25 other women, an affair with a man, masturbated in front of his mistress' 2 year old daughter and got on a sex abuse registry.  When I told my mom I was filing for divorce she told me I could not divorce him because we hate the sin but love the sinner-translation-what would people think if my daughter got a divorce?

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2007, 11:08:48 PM »
This is probably not going to win any prize but one that really grinds me is: "What are you getting so anal about? I didn't know there was a problem."


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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2007, 12:40:01 AM »
Just read this

1st Driver.  New expensive car driving enjoying his new car.

2nd driver coming out of cross road slams into driver 1 on passenger side door.

Driver 2 who hits driver 1  car gets out screaming  WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU DIDN'T YOU SEE ME RUNNING THAT STOP SIGN??
Get back in to get his license and takes off.

Call X, hon gotta go to the hospital my contractions are very close.  On golf course, Ok you think you can wait an hour or two almost done.

Dying in pain in labor. X tells me my hair looks really nice and blonde under the lights in the hospital that he did a good job on it as he is flipping his fingers through it to see if he got all the roots.  (helped me hi light it).

Valentines Day  X comes in all excited with a brown paper bag  HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! and gives me a box of Girl Scout Cookies.



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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2007, 01:10:56 AM »
Oh wait I have another one.

I was thinking that we should get some really nice new rims and tires for the car instead of an engagement ring.

You know I really should have went for the rims and tires since in the end I kept THE CAR and Tossed the ring.



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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2007, 01:31:50 AM »
From Father " I buried one child, and I can bury another!" (Both children still living)

From Mother " How can I explain to the neighbors that I have a daughter?"

From Brother to disabled sister " Is that the fastest you can walk?"

From Husband " Can I just stay here and sign something giving you credit for my rrom and board in the divorce settlement?" And after he left-"You haven't paid my credit card bills!!???!!"


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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2007, 04:53:22 AM »
When the relationship with my NMum was almost at NC point, she wanted me to choose between my husband and her. She said 'I just hope that I die before he does. I just wouldn't know how to console you.'

Console?? Her?? :shock:

Once, I was due to have a plasterer in the house for a few days, while I was on leave but my NBoyfriend was at work. When I said I was wary of being in the house with a stranger, and would he take leave, he said 'But who'd want to rape you?'


The comments posted so far make my jaw drop. Such callousness! So N!



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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2007, 05:35:22 AM »
Having put drugs in my bag so I carried them through customes unwittingly
"well I knew they would never stop you, you don't look the type to smuggle drugs" If I had been caught I would never have worked again because of my line of work.

"You love her (his D14) more than you love me"

"She is 16 now (D) she is to old for me" - read I cannot control her as I used to.

"I do not want to be around people who get drunk and dance on tables in bars" = meaning my friends.  Wish they had asked me to that party, my friends would have nothing to do with him.

" My D and her mother have a normal mother daughter relationship" - Mother abandoned D aged 8 and returned ten years later as if nothing had happened!!!!

"As long as you and D are happy I will be happy but I do not want neighbours calling to this house nor do I want to know what you want"

"Xwife is easy to keep she does not eat very much and never goes out"

I could go on and on but my favourite has to be

"I will never leave you, but I will ride you into the ground like a beach donkey and you know I have never been so close to anyone as I am to you.  I love you, you are my girl"


Oh, nearly forgot this one
"It is not me doing the bad things, it is an evil spirit who has possessed me because you know I would not hurt you.



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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2007, 08:32:12 AM »
When I was trying to get my NMUm to see that I had just a smidgin of kindness in me, despite her repeating over and over that I was wicked, she said 'You've never done anything for anybody, ever'

'Well,' I said,' what about when Ann (my friend who had multiple sclerosis) fell over in her house, and phoned me to help her, so I drove there, broke in through her patio doors to get to her, then got her an ambulance?'

'Oh,' she said, 'That doesn't count.'



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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2007, 11:13:16 AM »
Beach donkey :shock:
Doesn't count :shock:
all-a these :shock:

I believe we could've carried 9/11 victims down 40 flights of stairs on our shoulders and an N such as these would've said,

and let me tell you about the time I-I-I-I saved a turtle that was crossing the road.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Certain Hope

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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #24 on: July 26, 2007, 11:16:36 AM »
I believe we could've carried 9/11 victims down 40 flights of stairs on our shoulders and an N such as these would've said,

and let me tell you about the time I-I-I-I saved a turtle that was crossing the road.


LOL !  Indeed!!  :lol:   

Thanks, Hops... I needed that!



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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #25 on: July 26, 2007, 12:06:06 PM »





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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #26 on: July 26, 2007, 11:40:42 PM »
My N-mom and her list of ridiculous/obnoxious statements to me:

After I had a miscarriage (a little girl):  "So? What's the big deal? I had two [m/c] you know"  and "You don't want a daughter. They are nothing but trouble. I should know."  WTF kind of thing is that to say you your own daughter????!!!!

After the birth of my son & I (foolishly) confess to my mom that I had prayed for God to return the daughter I had lost the year before:  "What? You don't want him? I'll take him.  I'm calling social services and telling them you don't want your baby. What kind of a mother are you? You don't deserve children."


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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2007, 12:02:54 AM »
"It's GOD and then your MOTHER".....then she got a surprised look on her face when I asked where my husband fit in


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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2007, 05:21:55 AM »

Your mother is appalling to say that to you. I'm so sorry.

They're on another planet, aren't they?



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Re: Competition for the craziest N Statements
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2007, 05:41:31 AM »
OK let me think....

Me:  But I've tried so hard to make you proud...  Look I trained to be a psychiatric nurse...

Nmum:  Psychiatric nurses are the lowest of the low...

Me:  Why do you say that...

Nmum:  Everybody knows that if they have read a catherine cookson book..  And besides schizophrenia is associated with demons...  It's clear you would be happy close to that.

And another time (I have soooo many)....

N mum:  Are you going out dressed like that

Me (wearing shorts and a T shirt):  yes why it's blazing hot

Nmum:  Because you look flat chested.  go and put a wonderbra on immediately

Me:  I am flat chested and quite happy abpout it

Nmum:  Yes but I am not and I WILL NOT have people thinking I have a flat chested daughter..

God forgive me for being a flat chested psych nurse....

Spy x