Author Topic: Food For THought  (Read 1509 times)


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Food For THought
« on: July 25, 2007, 09:08:09 PM »
Hey Everyone, 8)
I just read this and thought it was great, very comforting....Hope you get something from it.
It All Works Out Perfectly in the End
Written by Margot Zaher and Jafree Ozwald

It really doesn't matter when something negative happens to you on any one specific day. It is all blessed fuel for your spiritual awakening. Your ego will of course be judging your experience as wrong, terrible or consider it to be the dramatic victim of all creation (if you allow it to do so). Anything that arises that is not in perfect alignment with what is "supposed" to happen (according to the ego) the mind throws a mini or major fit. So when you get triggered by something or someone, you can stop and re-center yourself on the thought that, "everything works out perfectly in the end". The contracted experience you are having will all of a sudden feel easier to handle and you will more consciously work with the feelings that are arising in that moment.

"We live the perfect process created by the Universe, and we do that perfectly whether we realize it or not." ~ Osho

The strangest thing about life is that it really all does work out perfectly in the end. In the midst of suffering your mind will not trust, believe or agree with this. Yet, the truth is that from the vantage point of your soul, everything is always divinely orchestrated to perfection no matter what happens. The whole Universe is conspiring in awakening you to experience the truth of who you are, and sometimes will attempt to give you a growth experience that your ego doesn't like at all! The only reason we ever experience things are not working out in life is because the mind/ego cannot always see the bigger picture from the perspective of one'soul.


The truth is that everything always works out perfectly in the end. When you hold onto this thought for an extended period of time, it soon becomes a mood, attitude and an approach to life. By diving into the feeling that everything in the future will work out to divine perfection, you can relax, explore your spiritual essence deeper and actually enjoy your life! With practice you will discover the hidden blessing that any challenging situation was trying to offer you, and the opportunity for the growth that was buried within it.

"Grace is the thread that weaves my life together seamlessly." ~Jessica Hall Upchurch

We will all be blessed from time to time with situations that are threatening to the well-being of our ego. When these circumstances arise, you can easily remember to relax and remember that in the future the deeper understanding of why this situation had to emerge for you will show itself clearly. Deep down inside your infinite Divine Self knows that every experience in life is perfect because there does not exist a "wrong" experience.

Everything is part of the play on the stage of life which your soul has chosen to participate in as an observer, actor and producer. Your ego may sometimes love the scene, while other times reject it completely. Just know that everything is temporary, and that suffering only occurs when you are overly attached to how a scene "should" be happening. Everything is divine. You are here to explore it all and enjoy the large diverse variety of experiences that arise.


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Re: Food For THought
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2007, 12:36:15 PM »
I didn't spot this or more likely couldn't see it yesterday (!) but today in a better place ( for a while at least ) I do understand and agree to some extent,

in the future the deeper understanding of why this situation had to emerge for you will show itself clearly. Deep down inside your infinite Divine Self knows that every experience in life is perfect because there does not exist a "wrong" experience.

but oh the pain people go through every day, and how to help them or to get through our own 'long dark nights/days of the soul'...

I had a friend who committed suicide a few years ago, she had operations to fix the pain in her pelvis and was told excitedly, these sensations aren't really pain, signalling damage or potential damage, your body is in perfect shape. But you'll still get the pain sensations...

It made no difference for her to know that her pain was just an experience in her brain, she still had to get through each day and the resulting anxiety, depression and ultimately resignation that this was it for her life here on our planet drove her to end it.

We aren't always 'enlightened' enough or strong enough to cope with our pains and problems, or to rationalise them to a good place.

We can take comfort from the striving, it can give life great meaning to overcome the seemingly insurmountable and to help others whose pain is greater than ours.

But- and this is where I am at right now- this perfect universe doesn't feel perfect, nor are we at the centre of it or all that important in the grand scheme of things.

That's what G_d is to me, the wholeness, the everything I cannot be or experience or manage or even love.

I have to have that something outside of myself to look to, to be when I am neither observer, actor or producer or even here any more!


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Re: Food For THought
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2007, 02:14:24 PM »

This idea of making good mistakes to learn from works for me.
Understanding this idea let's me apply it to others and knowing the true meaning of forgiving others and self.

A truly kind person told me "only you can make your life good" and "it does not matter what happens to you in life it is how you handle it.'
This is not always easy to do but understanding this has helped me to "get unstuck" from some very painful experiences.
Chopping wood  :D



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Re: Food For THought
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2007, 02:32:51 PM »
That's definately the way I'm going with my belief system Tweety.  I have been through so much pain but in the last 7 years have tried to find some meaning for it.  Quite a while after my partner died someone bought me a book called 'the little soul and the sun'  It was a very simple childrens story which explained the theory you are posting.  There was a line in that book which said ....'God has sent you nothing but angels'  Meaning that every bad experience is an opportunity for growth.  That's what gets me through I guess.  I'm not saying I always grow, in fact I hold on to my old belief systems tightly and very negatively.  But it is this belief that keeps me going and gives me some kind of inner calm..

Spyralle x