Hi Write,
poor thing...

..boy do I know what that feels like. Mainly, ( and confirmed by Dr.Grossman to me..) because I was " well trained not to feel", i've always been afraid of crying. HOWEVER..Crying is a very good thing..it's natural..it's a stress reliever.
Two weeks ago, early in the morning, i could take it no more. The oppression from my N parents was at the highest level it's been at for years.
As you know..i'm involved in a court battle with them over property and money (things really because they have no clue or desire to discuss the real issues). They've basically disrupted my life no end..
I'm doing everything I can to keep level headed throughout all this.
I've found that after my Big Cry of that morning, in which everything came out..i'm much calmer. Not without trouble but calmer about the decisions i've made and more ready to move on.
My big cry was like the end of a chapter in a book. It was announcing the next step. I cry only when I've had enough..it's like an overflow, a sign that something has come to an end. I grieve it intensely..and then move on. Kind of like Papillon, remember he could never get completely free but he kept trying 'til the end.
Like Papillon, i'm jumping off that cliff with my coconuts into the turbulent sea knowing i'm going toward something better.
It was so caring of you to tell me in an earlier post, " Good things are going to happen to you Nic, learn to believe it." I'm returning this to you because I know that like me, you've come a long way. We've both put alot of effort into making things better for ourselves.
A propos crying..my new partner cries very easily. Imagine two guys ( me 6' and dark, him 6' and blond) bawling their eyes out spontaneously and just simply because they need to. It's sort of like a purging effect isn't it?..I think when you can cry together it's a good sign..not that things are necessarily resolving but that messages and communications are getting through, things are being authentically felt hence the outward manifestation.
Maybe, just maybe i'll allow myself to cry more..i'm tired of it being a scary thing. I have this mental picture ..a memory really, of my depressed, alcoholic-pill popping N mom who cried hysterically ( for real! I've seen hysterical crying time and time again..your crying spell is nothing compared to that shit!) for days on end, and my Ndad blaming my brother and me for "making her sick!" That's when i realized she had a monopoly on crying at our house and I wasn't allowed to cry myself. I saw through her manipulative tears as well..and I actually hated crying. Saw it as a sign of weakness and a constant reminder of Nmom and "home life".
Today I let it go..your post helped me realize this. I find it refreshingly vulnerable of you to share your crying spell with me/us. If we weren't supposed to cry then why the heck did God give us tear ducts huh?
Mind you, i've very rarely cried because I was happy...I'd like to experience that..and look forward to it quite frankly!
If I could, i'd FedEx you a box of puffy soft tissues!
BTW: do you use that tear proof masquara? and more importantly..does it really work?

Just wondering..
Love Nic
P.S. Apres la pluie, le beau temps. ( after the rain the sun shines)