Author Topic: Unable to love myself  (Read 5544 times)


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Unable to love myself
« on: July 26, 2007, 12:23:17 PM »
For years I have been arguing with myself over one simple thing....Am I loveable?

I guess I feel like I must need to figure it out.  Try to talk myself into it.  Try to look at my resume of good traits and try to convince myself that I am not awful.  And then I look at the evidence in the other side.  I don't feel much loved by the world.  My mom loves long as I don't ask for too much, as long as I don't look or do better than see does.  My father loves me but withdraws when I show any of my talents. Must play stupid.  Must not shine.  Must not be anything.  Must go along with the program.   Love goes away when I am at my best.  My heart is breaking again  as I type this and tears are streaming  down my face.  How can I love someone, like me, when I am so evidently unloveable?  I repell people.  I don't know how to love or show love. Feel it but can't get it out of me. Broken.  I am defective in most ways. And I am sitting here arguing again with myself to see that I can love myself even though no one else will.  How do I stop needing the love of others?  How do I stop needing the world to tell me I am good.  I am jealous of some of your friendships on this board.  I see you run to each other and stand together with each other.  In many ways, I feel like an observer of all of that love.  I have been an observer for most of my life.  Looking through the glass....wishing for the candy.  Each new person I meet or experience that I have seems to reflect the same thing.  Love just doesn't come to me.  I can want it all day long. I can chase it.  I can change myself to get it.  But it doesn't come.....and if it comes for a minute when there is an obvious need or dilemma and then it is gone again.  Like  a puff of smoke.  And I try to catch it and keep it.  And my hands are empty again.  Feels like getting a bowl of every few weeks and then hungry .... so hungry.  I know that no one can love me , until I love me.  At times I have hated myself and tried to destroy myself so that I could eliminate the stuff in my that causes others so much pain.....causes them to go away.  Kinda feel like this is the curse of my life.  To forever be in want. Maybe this is black and white thinking.  I am sitting here writing this and trusting that I can push the post button.  Knowing that I may be ignored.  That is ok, if I am.  I just don't want to be ignored anymore.  I want to love myself.  But how can I when any tiny flaw that I have will scare you guys or my family or my husband or the world away from me.    It is a lie, right?  that I am unloveable?  I should believe, right, that I am?  Feel like I have files and files proving otherwise.  David and Goliath.  Little me with my little stone trying to slay this enemy in my head.  And I throw the stone...again and again.  Goliath gets up again and again too.  Trying to silence the debate in my head.  I tell myself that I could love myself maybe with a little help. A voice from someone in the real world that knew my and loved me and reminded me that that love is always there.  Someone who wouldn't go away if I had a bad day or if I gained a few pounds or if my boobs didn't suffer from the effects of gravity.  That maybe I could be loved because my spirit is beautiful cause that is what makes my body beautiful.  But that is not how it works.  I have to be a picture to be beautiful.  Always maintaining the pretty picture or all the love will go away.

I love myself.  Ok?  I do.  I actually like some of my quirks even.  I just don't understand why no one else sees good in me.  Why people rarely want my company.  Why I intimidate others or why they can't celebrate my successes.  Why do I have to be invisable to make myself tolerant for others?

I  know I am trying to unwind the lies.  Maybe I am believing lies and manipulations. My logical brain tells me that.  But then it happens where ever I am and with whoever I am with.  I am the common denominator.  How can I love a person like that?


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Re: Unable to love myself
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2007, 12:43:57 PM »

I too have a deep-seated trauma relating to "lovableness". We are social animals, and need each other for survival. What is characterized as love can actually be something else..."I love my car, love my hair today, love my 6-pack abs, etc". We are not our bodies, or jobs, our finances, our mental prowess...We are spiritual essences. If you lost a leg, you would still be as worthy, as human, as much a person, as LOVABLE! In a society as obsessed with material things and hierarchical power as ours is, one can lose sight of reality. Real life is not airbrushed, real love is not for sale! Your value cannot be measured on a list, and is not scientifically observable!
I struggle with isolation and shyness, fear and sensitivity to rejection. As limited as I am , there are still moments of clarity, when I can grow in peace and understanding and yes, love. I am praying for you, and giving you huge warm hugs! It can be painful to confront these feelings (Vanity, vanity, all is vanity saith the Prophet), but you will emerge even stronger, more loving, and with the experience to truly understand, guide, and bless your children through these universally human passages.

God Bless You!


Certain Hope

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Re: Unable to love myself
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2007, 01:06:17 PM »
Dear Mof4,

Most of my education in matters of the heart has taken place in my current 3-year marriage to my husband.
[ Imagine what he's had to deal with :) ]

Anyhow, he's one of two individuals (the other being a dear lady friend) who've not allowed feeling intimidated by me to prevent them from continuing to reach out. Now, as someone who's always felt herself the very farthest removed from being "intimidating", I'm only just beginning to overcome the shock of this realization.

Without writing a book at this point, I must say that it's come to my attention that -  people KNOW  :shock: when we expect so much from ourselves (and correspondingly, from them). For me, it's been so tangled up with perfectionism, judgmentalism, etc. ad nauseum
(the very active, vocal presence of my mother in my head) that I needed to hear a basic fact of life (or a dozen +) stated in the very simplest terms possible.

This happened for me in the course of complaining to a dear friend about my husband's immaturities. Of course, I acknowledged to her that I'm aware of my own immaturities (which she hardly needed me to point out to her - lol) and I expressed to her the fact that I understand where my husband is coming from with these things, because I've been there, but - oh, how I longed for an adult partner.
Well, she listened carefully and then lovingly said, in the very gentlest tone, perhaps if he felt safe to discuss these things with you, you two would be able to get to the bottom of it.
It was then that I realized... I had only come as far as I had in this process because my husband had allowed me to pour out my own failings and hurts and doubts without attaching any judgment or demand for reciprocation. He doesn't expect perfection... from himself or from me. Sometimes I think he's too lax on his requirements for himself... but then I tell that mother in my head to hush.

Okay, I see how far afield I've gone, but there was a point when I began...  about love...
I think that people are repelled by the need (desperation?) they sense at first contact... when we expect too much from ourselves and from them. No matter how contented they may appear on the surface, I believe that everyone struggles... or gives up the struggle... because relationships are just plain work!
On the other hand (and this is only my opinion) - I think that many people simply do not want to engage at deeper levels, and so they are frightened by those who long for more than the most shallow of relationships. So, in many ways, the difficulties are just as much about "them" as it is about "us".  In my life, I have not found many folks who are sincerely empathic and interested in travelling to greater depths in relationship. Of course, I recognize that someone would have had to practice the patience of a saint to get that far with the likes of me :)  but... I think it's rare nonetheless.

Mof4, you seem exceptionally loveable to me. Honest, sincere, genuine, motivated, brimming over with so much to share...

Is it possible that the real challenge may be in learning to receive the love which others are able to give... recognizing that for some it may be drop by drop and not in buckets-full?

Hugs to you.


P.S. to Changing... that was beautiful and true to me! Thank you!


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Re: Unable to love myself
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2007, 01:41:14 PM »
I see the truth of that .... both of you. curse of being needy.  Embarrassing.  Sucky!  I am 37.  So much time I waste being needy. I feel 12 right now.  Feel so stupid.   Wanting too much from others.  Feeling empty and wanting something to fill it.  Maybe I am a people junkie......

Yucky to see the truth!  But that is why I wrote the post.  Knew that was my weakness.  Thru it out there because I knew someone could see what i can't.  Hard to hear the truth.  Feel myself cover my eyes.  But with courage I will recieve it.  Try to focus my energy on taking care of filling my own bucket.  Try to be grateful for what people do give.  Wow. Receiving love.  That is a tough one.  My foo taught me not to do that. And I am afraid the lesson stuck.  I am not sure I understand yet how to unstick it. How can I need it so bad and then not recieve it when it comes, in whatever form it comes.  Thats messed up.  Dang.   But .........back to work with refocused efforts.


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Re: Unable to love myself
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2007, 01:41:51 PM »
My mom loves long as I don't ask for too much, as long as I don't look or do better than see does.  My father loves me but withdraws when I show any of my talents. Must play stupid.  Must not shine.

Hi mo4 

The quote tells me that you never felt really loved by your parents? That appears to be the beginning of everyone's problems with self-worth, loving oneself. (It was mine, anyway)

Your kids and husband are still with you--that's a positive!

You have ME (positive or negative?) and you have the board.

In my outings and in chatting with clerks or mechanics etc. I find my mind going to the deeper parts of what we here are all wanting and try to picture them in the midst of one of these 'heavy' conversations. I can't. Men and women alike.

It's been a long time since I have been with someone who loved me and that is over 30 years ago--the one love of my life.

It's been a long time since I have been in deep conversations like we have on this board--like 15 years ago.

I don't feel loved, per se, but my feelings of self-worth /esteem have picked up tremendously in the last 5 years. I know that my workmates like me and appreciate me and that's all I need.----but then I am older.

It has helped me to leave an N and recover from that trauma, and come out of the situation far better than he did. I had jobs fall into my lap. (divine intervention?--well now it is by word of mouth, and THAT is an ego booster, to be recommended.) Where I shine is in my work!

My stress is relieved, therefore the accompanying body aches and pains and I feel good about me for the first time in a long, long, time and a lot of it has to do with tossing it all onto this Board and receiving support---there's a word my family knows nothing about.

It has also helped that my therapist sees me as strong and competent..... and it is wonderful to be connecting with  my feelings again. (That was my original reason for joining here...I could not 'feel anything'... all the traumas had reduced me to robot state.) The therapist in her very gentle way talks about things i.e. traumas I have known, and works her magic and Voila the magic is working. The way it is done can not be done at home, but I can still watch for the feelings that are becoming known to me.

At least at this point I can say there is no way I can any longer say that I hate myself. I love me now! THAT is the first step, to love yourself and it has taken me 68 years.

I don't know if this is of ANY help to you....I thought it just might show you there is hope, becasue if I can begin changing for the better (and that is to NOT be around any negative people)  at my age ANYONE can!!



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Re: Unable to love myself
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2007, 01:48:39 PM »

It is SO EXCITING to see how far you've come! Those of us who remember your very first post know all the work you have put into this process.  And look at you now!!!!

You are a blessing to me, Iz.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Unable to love myself
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2007, 01:56:10 PM »
Oh Thank you CB  

I love that I am a blessing and yes I have come a long way---many days without a complaint!!!!

Thank you. You are a blessing to me too--- it helps to boost my self-esteem (keep it boosted.)


Certain Hope

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Re: Unable to love myself
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2007, 02:10:21 PM »

Just some further thoughts...
If it's a curse to be needy, then it's equally a curse to spend a lifetime denying that one has needs.
My mother has been so unable or unwilling to admit her needs for relationship that she's always tried to fill that need via controlling every aspect of her circumstances and by filling her surroundings with things.
I think of her words to me when an aunt of mine became involved in relationship with a man after her husband's death... a man who was needy, in my mother's eyes - a man whose health was not so good and, as far as my mother was concerned, was only looking for a nursemaid. Well, maybe he was... but she had no reason to presume that. At any rate, my mother's message came through to me loud and clear: My aunt was a fool, in her view, to encumber herself with another man... she was weak to desire relationship more than freedom of her time and money and all the control she could have if she didn't make herself "slave" to someone else.
So - having emotional needs is equated to slavery - that's the message I received and lived by, for years. It's not that she doesn't want to serve others - she just doesn't know how to do it from love. It's all duty and obligation and oh what a martyr she is to the cause of everyone else's needs, all the while convincing herself that she has none of her own. Ack!

So... who is cursed? Those who deny desires and needs, imo... because, imo, God created us for relationship... and, first and foremost, a relationship with Him - and not with stuff and things, not with grand professions and illusions of control, not with self.

Being 12 again is disorienting, I know... but this time, it's a stage which will rapidly advance with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding - gained and applied - at every level.
These are spiritual matters. I know that popular opinion states we must learn to love ourselves first, but my experience has proven to me, and the Holy Spirit bears witness, that the first thing I need to do is to learn to receive God's love, in Jesus Christ.
He fills my bucket. Sometimes I force the lid back on and say - no, now this one I really must sort through myself, thank You very much... I am not yet done working this issue over. So He waits till I wear myself out on that one and remove the lid once again. I can sure exhaust myself, but what I've found, time and again, is that it's absolutely impossible to exhaust the grace of God.
I've made my own recovery quite complicated at times, by puttin that lid onto my bucket. I think it's time for a lid-burying ceremony.

With love,

P.S. to CB -  About this:  Does that mean that you feel that it's worth it to spend the money if you have something "to show for it"? 

Yup yup - that hit home. Thank you!  :)   Love, Hope


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Re: Unable to love myself
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2007, 02:50:06 PM »
Hi MOf4,
I really don't have anything to add, but my love & support.
That's because I feel just like you do.
Thanks for posting this topic. I believe it will help me, too.
"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." -- Coach Bear Bryant....
          To a group of boosters before an Auburn game.


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Re: Unable to love myself
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2007, 02:52:22 PM »
It is not really about "having something to show for it" .  It is really just about fear.  Not really about the money at all.  Just the fear.  Just listed things I want to do some day.  Didn't really think about that deeply.

To all,

Trying hard to put it all together.  I was never allowed to have needs. So, I tucked them all away.  My needs seems to make others so uncomfortable.   If I express them to my family or friends then I am too needy and I repell them. TARBABY!  I see that you are saying that there is balance.  I am struggling to find the balance. What role does God play?  What role do I play?  What role do others play?   I know there is a balance somewhere here.  I feel a bit dense trying to comprehend it in terms I can apply daily and not just platitudes.   Perhaps I am trying too hard.  Kinda sick of mornings like today and yesterday.  Feeling the pain of the "self love" perdicament is live and well.  Another day.....another year....same problem raising its ugly head.  I am sick of it.  Literally sick to death of it.  

AMi, said maybe I am not trusting myself on a deep level. or maybe I don't honor my feelings. and that sets me up to be a victim.  It sounds really true.  Lupita is talking about boundaries. That all seems really good to me if I could just unlock why it is so hard for me to do. -- practice, patience, practice, patience....

CB, Maybe you are right.  Take my focus off.  Let it come to me in whatever way it will.  

Thanks all of you.  Feel love from all of you.  I will take that to the bank.   :)

 I think I am going to bed now.  Too tired to continue.  My head is flooded.

much love,


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Re: Unable to love myself
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2007, 03:22:26 PM »
Hi Mo4,
As you may know, I'm agnostic...I resonate a lot with how it feels to be needy, though I don't feel it much in recent years (hon, I was in my 50s before I grappled with it). CB's advice resonates powerfully with me, because it fits so many of the things I've read and think about. Such as the concept of "flow". And why altruism (direct contact with people, as in The Healing Power of Doing Good by Alan Luks) benefits the giver in real ways (literally lowers blood pressure, for example).

I think literally losing yourself in a flow of delight by doing something you enjoy and are good at, something that creates something or fills a real how you figure out what love is.

You never "get" love. You have to let it get you, I think. And one way to prepare the way, is to experience the amazement of the universe by doing, and see what gratitude looks and feels like by giving.

I think all the thinking about invaluable. At the same time, I think it's hard to find balance if there's not enough doing and giving to balance you. IOW, long hours of introspection might be too much time. There are some periods, and maybe this is one for you, where there's a great deal of intense inner work that produces a breakthrough. But after a while, the only way those breakthroughs really manifest their gifts is when you are engaged with the world.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Certain Hope

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Re: Unable to love myself
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2007, 03:38:42 PM »
Dear Mof4,

I've found that God plays as large a role in my life, from moment to moment, as I will allow Him to fill.
For me, it's been a matter of unlocking those closets and cupboards of my inner house where I'd not previously granted Him entrance... because I though that it was my job to fumigate them first.

Rest well...



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Re: Unable to love myself
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2007, 05:22:17 PM »
Dear Hope, Thank you so much for your posts. They were like a cool drink of water on a hot day. They answered a big question for me.
  The last time that I "enjoyed" people was when I was 14. Then, I was "real" and I loved myself. I had had many friends at all levels of friendship since then . The problem was that I was not there. Also, I needed them to affirm and validate me in some way.I was  "needy"
   I had friends b/c I forced myself to do this. I figured that I needed people BUT I never enjoyed it too much.
   Now, I know the reason. I needed them , emotionally. I was in fear that they would not meet my needs and then I would have to face my deep feelings of worthlessness and shame. I think that people were a way to keep trying to find the answer of "Was I O.K.?". So, it was not fun and was not relaxing. It was stressful.
   I agree with Hope that God needs to fill the bucket. I can't do it. I know that . I can't do anything in my own strength. Thank God that He is bigger and stronger than I am.It is the only thing that keeps me going.
  Hope, I solved my problem of myself and relationships today. THANK YOU, Dear Friend      Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

Certain Hope

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Re: Unable to love myself
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2007, 05:44:25 PM »
Dear Hope, Thank you so much for your posts. They were like a cool drink of water on a hot day. They answered a big question for me.
  The last time that I "enjoyed" people was when I was 14. Then, I was "real" and I loved myself. I had had many friends at all levels of friendship since then . The problem was that I was not there. Also, I needed them to affirm and validate me in some way.I was  "needy"
   I had friends b/c I forced myself to do this. I figured that I needed people BUT I never enjoyed it too much.
   Now, I know the reason. I needed them , emotionally. I was in fear that they would not meet my needs and then I would have to face my deep feelings of worthlessness and shame. I think that people were a way to keep trying to find the answer of "Was I O.K.?". So, it was not fun and was not relaxing. It was stressful.
   I agree with Hope that God needs to fill the bucket. I can't do it. I know that . I can't do anything in my own strength. Thank God that He is bigger and stronger than I am.It is the only thing that keeps me going.
  Hope, I solved my problem of myself and relationships today. THANK YOU, Dear Friend      Love  Ami


If something I can share helps, I'm glad.
I'm sorry that I do not better understand where you are, but very happy for you in your progress toward healing!

You see, I feel like the underlying lie which held me back from a lifetime of potentially healthy relationships was this notion that I must never, ever, display for the slightest bit of vulnerability. It was forbidden to need.
I enjoyed people, friends... but only to the extent that I had something to offer them - to give, to help... and then some would say, "I'd like to get to know you better" and I'd wonder - what's to know?
There was nothing. If I wasn't giving and doing and performing, I was empty.
And then, just in the past 3 years, I met Jesus. I don't have to do or perform for Him.

For me, there is no place to which to return. No time to fondly recall - ahh, yes, those were the days when I loved myself.
There was no "me" who suddenly disappeared into a vacuum... only a very large, very empty place.
Jesus filled that space.



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Re: Unable to love myself
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2007, 06:11:12 PM »
   I don't understand your last paragraph? Did you ever love yourself? what exactly are you saying. I would love to understand . Thanks    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung