Dear Mof4,
This business of separating self-worth from what I do is a huge one for me, too. Felt like I'd pretty well accomplished some major changes in this, as far as recognizing that it's not my role in life to make others feel happy or complete, regardless of the cost.
And yet there's a constant struggle to simply relax, to rest in peace... because if I don't accomplish tons of stuff in a day, I wind up feeling like I goofed off and must somehow make up for it the next. Lately, in setting out to make lists of all the things that I could choose to do and to prioritize those items...
I realized that in checking items off my list, I was still feeding that old notion that who I am is summed up by what I can accomplish.
So here's my revised list:
1) Spend time alone in communication with God... not just talking in a frantic prayer full of requests and apologies, but genuine conversation, where I'm still at times (that's a tough one) and just listening (reading the Bible and then allowing for long pauses to hear that quiet voice).
2) Share that stillness of spirit which I receive from that time spent with the Lord with my husband and children and friends. In that sharing comes more refilling, as opposed to the draining which happens when trying to relate to people who only want to drain me dry.
3) When faced with a challenge from difficult people and circumstances that threaten to drain me, I immediately close the gate and ask questions later. I stop the pleasing/doing/working-cycle short, before it begins spinning out into a life of its own, and go back to step 1 for refilling.
Anyhow, my lists used to be miles long, but they're really short these days... and they don't include every single thing I can think of that needs doing, fixing, organizing, and re-arranging around my home or in my life, because out of those two items above, all the rest flows... almost without any thought.
Feels like I'm learning the lesson Punchinello learned. That's such a lovely story and I wanted to thank you when I first read it here, but my emotional puddle was drained. But I've been thinking on it ever since, and wondering... to stop the score-keeping & all the comparing of dots to stars...
what is the glue that makes them stick, after all? To me, the glue is the notion that there is anything in this world we can do to make God love us any more than He already does, in Jesus Christ. It's His love which washes off the glue, so it's God's love in which I want to steep myself first, and then others, in order to remain free. I don't know the song "I'm In Repair", but I do believe that you're getting there... and me, too. Thank you again for sharing your heart here.
With love,