I am new at this forum. I have (at least) one question to ask. Do you believe in forgiveness? I don't.
Voicelessness occur when the child that once was, or still is, didn't or isn't allowed to freely discover it's own voice. I believe that in most cases this is a concequence of the parents ability, or so to speak, the parents own neclected voice. I find this according to what I have understood reading The 3 rules of parenting, which I loved.
i believe I wasn't seen, nor was given the chance to find my own voice as a child. And of course I am still struggling to find it.
To put it more accurate; I don't believe in forgiving my own parents. Instead I believe in feeling the rage against them for what they did.
To feel the rage is a difficult thing to do. To know that I was not seen may be intellectually understood by myself, but is hard to feel.
i feel strongly for Alice Millers way of seeing it. As I child I had to believe that my parents loved me, just to survive. But, now as an adult I have the choice to see what they really did, and why that was no good.
If I got what I needed from them I wouldn't have any reasons for not being content and live my life to its potential, by simply living and loving.
Maybe it is possible to forgive, but not before I have fully felt the rage for what my parents did to me.
I know that in the radical unschooling movement for instance, several people believe in the radical forgiveness term. I can't see that as possible and still get full health in every way.
I hope you understand my poor language.
the once
P.S maybe this is the wrong place; have you read The Body Never Lies, by Alice Miller?