Author Topic: Things I don't like  (Read 27006 times)


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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #60 on: August 08, 2007, 06:48:56 PM »
lol at Iphi's wanton moors regalia.....

Me on the other hand would be desperately rampaging around trying to be ethereal in my nightie....

I guess you are right.. there is a very dark side to Heathcliffe... He is certainly a tortured soul...  funny that I only see the romance of the situation.. as a child that was pretty much treated the same, I seem to blind spot that behaviour and end up feeling sorry for the person...  I must spend more time thinking about that..  Thanks Iphi

spy x


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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #61 on: August 12, 2007, 01:20:22 AM »
Things I don't like.....

--being late
--being judged harshly/not being forgiven
--when my favorite levis are too tight
--stretch marks
--hair in food
--when you diet like crazy and do all the right things and don't lose a pound.
--doing the dishes

This is fun.  Thanks!


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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #62 on: August 12, 2007, 10:24:46 AM »
YVW, Poppy: )


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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #63 on: August 13, 2007, 11:32:40 AM »
Add to the list....

enjoying a beautifully prepared breakfast.....

while listening to a pet lover discuss the intricacies of their large dog harfing up meatballs.....

then squirting incontrollably on the carpet..... ::gag::

OMG..... just so not good: (


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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #64 on: August 23, 2007, 03:07:13 PM »
Sorry Lighter.  YVW??? what does that mean?  I was dropped as a child. :D


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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #65 on: August 24, 2007, 10:24:59 AM »
Sorry Lighter.  YVW??? what does that mean?  I was dropped as a child. :D

YVW means you're very welcome: )


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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #66 on: August 24, 2007, 10:48:02 AM »
I don't really like the first day of school.

It's always a bit hectic and we sign up for parties and events months and months in advance of knowing our schedules and must have all vital stats and med info available and numbers for all folks picking up in carpool and it's always so cramped with people speaking to you while you're trying to concentrate and figure out why your child won't stop whining about your signing up FOR EVERY PARTY then you realize she thought she couldn't attend anything unless you signed up and she didn't understand and you didn't understand enough to help her understand.... ::BIG INTAKE OF BREATH:: 

At least I got to speak with the teacher, before and after hectic time, and talk about my widdle puddin, lol. 

She'll try to run the class if she feels the teacher is at all falling down on the job, lol... in her opinion. 

The teacher just has to reassure her that she has it under control and puddin only has to worry about herself: )

Having nice, clean light colored, clothes swiped with popscicles on the playground was a nice addition to the regular routine; ) 

Certain Hope

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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #67 on: August 24, 2007, 07:23:43 PM »
((((((((Lighter))))))))  1st day of school hugs for you and for lil popsicle puddin, too  :)

Happy Weekend!



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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #68 on: August 24, 2007, 07:26:38 PM »
Thanks Hope, lol.

It wasn't traumatic this time.... cause I kinda hafe it figured out but.....

These things are always difficult for an introvert.

Esp with a younger child in towe..... and I've always had a younger child in towe, lol.

Certain Hope

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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #69 on: August 24, 2007, 07:41:14 PM »
Thanks Hope, lol.

It wasn't traumatic this time.... cause I kinda hafe it figured out but.....

These things are always difficult for an introvert.

Esp with a younger child in towe..... and I've always had a younger child in towe, lol.

lol.. I understand, on both counts, Lighter. Each time I've had one start school, there was a newborn to tote (X4). Wasn't really scheduled that way, just sorta happened  :shock:   but all worked out pretty well  :)  I wouldn'ta missed it for the world!


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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #70 on: August 25, 2007, 01:37:49 PM »
Hope.... how many children do you have?  Did you say 3 or 4?

I can't quite remember.

Certain Hope

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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #71 on: August 25, 2007, 01:51:53 PM »
Four, Lighter... 25, 20, 16, 11... guess that shoulda been - toting a newborn each time (X3)...

Weee.... I can barely remember my eldest's early school days  :?. Only a blur... running to work, homework, activities... just a blur.
But I'm enjoying every moment with these last two - 11th and 6th grades, now... and it's nothing but pure pleasure to be "awake" and alert to every bit of it. Exhausting, but fun! Thank God for the strength and energy to keep up : )


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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #72 on: August 25, 2007, 06:44:30 PM »
::picking up jaw and going to get ready for fancy party::

4 children.... ?

::coming back to computer.... scratching ant and mosquito bites::

I can't even wrap my mind around the work it woud take to raise 4 children.

It's astounding how much work children are.


How come I never knew how much work they are until I had them?

Is there some kind of parental


pay back


going on, lol?

How could I not know alllllll the way into my late 30's how much work it is, lol?

You rock, Hope.

And.... living in the moment is one of the very best gifts we can give our children: )

Certain Hope

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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #73 on: August 25, 2007, 09:27:18 PM »
Fancy party??  :o     :D    Hope you left those ants and skeeters at home!

Lighter, if I tried to wrap my mind around the past 25 years, I'd be mumbling in a corner... feels like I've been a mom forever.
And I did pretty well... till it came time to let go. Not so good at that.
Lots of lessons learned... pages missing from the manual, yanno... instructions all in Greek... first 12 years, didn't notice I was holding them upside down (the instructions, not the kids  :D)    :P

Ahhh... my mother has nuthin to brag on when she thinks of me... so few accomplishments.... but then talking with your children, hugging them, loving them, explaining yourself to them, grinning like a fool as they spread silliness all over the house... that sorta stuff doesn't rank with her.

Things I don't like:  my mother.


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Re: Things I don't like
« Reply #74 on: August 27, 2007, 10:25:36 PM »
Oh Hope.... you really made me laugh, lol. 

You're funny and I so did think you were talking about having the kids upside down, not the directions.

The party was great.  The food was wonderful.  Yummmy olives and cheeses and chicken and pork and rare tenderloin and enough nice chamagne that I could still dance, even with all that food in my tummy.  Pasta salad and desserts and pink lemonade!

I didn't worry about the bug bites but I was carrying itch spray so I'd come prepared.

Lots of company and I was at ease and comfortable in the world, even without going into observation mode.  I was among friends and I think I can see how entering back into the world as myself could be, in the future. 

The children saw their father on Sunday.  I think he wanted to give them back after a couple hours time.  He was never around them enough to understand that they require energy and attention..... and focus. Truly... if you aren't going to rule by fear..... they require energy and focus. 

He kept them a good long while and I'm sure he passed out cold when he got to his bed, lol.  The children were very happy with the visit.  Daddy on good bahavior..... I don't have to worry about his hurting them until the court's not giving him the eye anymore.  Looks like we're going to have forensic evaluations ordered all around: /

I'm a bit frightened of what they'll find, with regard to how scary he is, quite frankly :shock:

I guess we have to find out though.