Oh Hope.... you really made me laugh, lol.
You're funny and I so did think you were talking about having the kids upside down, not the directions.
The party was great. The food was wonderful. Yummmy olives and cheeses and chicken and pork and rare tenderloin and enough nice chamagne that I could still dance, even with all that food in my tummy. Pasta salad and desserts and pink lemonade!
I didn't worry about the bug bites but I was carrying itch spray so I'd come prepared.
Lots of company and I was at ease and comfortable in the world, even without going into observation mode. I was among friends and I think I can see how entering back into the world as myself could be, in the future.
The children saw their father on Sunday. I think he wanted to give them back after a couple hours time. He was never around them enough to understand that they require energy and attention..... and focus. Truly... if you aren't going to rule by fear..... they require energy and focus.
He kept them a good long while and I'm sure he passed out cold when he got to his bed, lol. The children were very happy with the visit. Daddy on good bahavior..... I don't have to worry about his hurting them until the court's not giving him the eye anymore. Looks like we're going to have forensic evaluations ordered all around: /
I'm a bit frightened of what they'll find, with regard to how scary he is, quite frankly

I guess we have to find out though.