Hops Dear-
You are such a constant and caring soul. I have spent more time than I would have liked in hospitals, and have done quite a bit of visiting as well. The 85 year old prayer lady at my church and I were really close- she had no family, and we were so simpatico! I used to visit her in the hospital during her last days, and would fall asleep with my head on the pillow next to her pillow! People heal while they sleep, and it feels so good to sleep when a loved one is nearby- I'm sure your mom feels the delicious narcotic effect of your watchfulness and care. You need to rest also- you are such a wonderful daughter, I am sure that your love and sacrifice will be rewarded.
Please don't let yourself get too worn out- that's when we all get brittle and wacky. You are the most help to yourself and your mom when you are feeling your best.
Love and peace to you,