Before my mother came the first time on the 24th of May, I was into positive thinking, reading the secret, very proud of being a recent skinny person. After surgery, two visits of my mother, one visit of my sister in low nad my niece, the injustuce of my brother, the recnt discovery that my brother might be an N, the discovering that I do not have a family, my book club was being led by an N, I come to realize that I am alone, very alone.
As somebody said, addiction to the magic energy of an abusive person. The thought that we have to degrade our selves to be able to be loved.
I remember somebody telling me 12 years ago that I was one of those persons who brought the rope to a person who wanted to hang me. No wonder, my father asked me, bring me my belt because I am going to hit you now. And the dog, (me) brought the belt and as I was saying "No daddy, please", I was being bitten. I compared my self with dogs all the time.
I am mad, and sad, because my son suffered so much in the hands of his father and it took me six years of his precious life to take him out and save him. I could not stand up for my slef, much less for my son.
Fortunately, I was traumatized enough to be able to reject any man who tried to get into my house and prevented ant stranger to live in my home to disrupt my son's life and to take his home away from him. Once a stranger is living in a home, that home never is the som of the children. The children do not have a home anymore.
I need to work on boundaries. To start I will define my boundaries. Now I will start with cisitors no more than five days. No more. Five days is enough. Email from my mother, I have to pray before I open them and make sure that I do not believe what she says.
Minimum contact with my brother. The littel girl will not live with me. If she wants to stay here she has to go to a dormitory ofr students. NC total with my sister. We have not talked in 12 years. No driving around my friends. Not giving explanations to my friends when they ask a reason why I do or dont do something. Tell aggressive friends (thanks CB) "I will think about it and get back to you". And will think of more. As soon as I enforce the first one I will feel better.
My sister in low and my niece understood that they must share activities with me and not only me to drive them around for their shopping. They are going to the Zumba lesson. I know it will make an impact on the little girl who is a couch potato. I know she will go back home trying tp find sport activities.
I will be more respectful of my son too. I know I have been invading his privacy. I am concerned mother. I love hi so much.
Thank you friends. If you have more ideas of boundaries I will appreciate them very much.