Author Topic: Changing.... how are you doing?  (Read 2546 times)


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Re: Changing.... how are you doing?
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2007, 11:18:53 AM »

La La La La LA la.... La La La La LA la!

Heh.... my dance is cuter than yours, lol.

Changing.... so so happy to read your post! 

LOL... no way - my ears do that certain speshul floopdeedoo whilst twirling!

Hugs to you, Lighter


You're right!  THEY DO, lol!


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Re: Changing.... how are you doing?
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2007, 02:52:22 AM »
Lighter, Certain Hope, Izzy, Debkor, Em, Hops, Ami-

Thank you for your kindness and for sharing your enlightenment! I have always compromised myself, but your support has lifted me up to a new vantage point to see a bigger picture!
Even when I get shaky, I am starting to see that it will get better again- I won't get punished for taking care of myself! And Yes my NH never once did the laundry- I saw him at the store one day and he actually asked me to teach him ( he never went to the store ,either, before he left). Even if I crash and burn, at least I will have tried to do what I wanted to before I die !!!!

Thank you, you are wonderful!


Certain Hope

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Re: Changing.... how are you doing?
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2007, 08:43:05 AM »
Dear Changing,

My own efforts to work through some of the leftovers from past rubbish tend to leave me feeling naked and ill-equipped for forward movement. In the midst of all this stripping away of all the many cloaks and devices of what I am not, your voice here is an inspiration and a challenge... to imagine a future that's more than merely coping... to dream... and to dream big!  :)  Thank you... for sharing your vision in such a kind, gentle way with all of us.

With love,