Hi Lighter, Hope, Debkor and Hoppy!
I have the best physical therapy- there is a pool, underwater treadmill, etc- I was healed enough to go back into the water today! My health non-working NH would play softball at least 5 times a week, but I hardly got to my therapy when he was here. Ridiculous! What was I thinking! In fact, I finally cracked and had enough one day when I had washed his many baseball uniforms, and asked him to not bring the items into the living room, etc so I could just take off to therapy and handle it later. He agreed, then did exactly what he promised not to do, told me to F off, that he just agreed to things to shut me up! DUH-UH! I finally saw the pattern of lies and cruelty in a more realistic light ( I guess you've seen by now that I'm not always the brightest bulb in the chandelier).He had been there (well he had his own place and didn't help me but he went to the hospital for the longest surgery) when I had many hours of surgeries, bone grafts, lived in my dining room, and couldn't walk, drive, get into a wheelchair, etc. He acted like I didn't do enough for him! Now I am doing things for myself, AND IT ROCKS! The physical therapy is a miracle, and I realized that he didn't care what was good for me, as well...He still doesn't get it! The support I got on this board really gave me a new perspective and inspiration.
I was hurt, but ANGRY! No more placating that man!I realized that I would never get to do what I needed, could never keep up with his messes, etc. , never be able to balance our budget, never go out, always be afraid of how he would sabotage me when I was out of the house as long as he remained here... And the lies, lies, lies!No wonder he was contemptuous of me! I was a silly wuss! I LOVE THE PEACE AND THE LOVELY SLEEP AND MY THERAPY AND NOT HAVING TO CLEAN UP AFTER AN NH AND EATING THE FOOD THAT I LIKE AND NEVER BEING CURSED OR THREATENED AND NOT HAVING TO HIDE ALL OF MY IMPORTANT PAPERS!
I changed my own locks! They are not perfect, I have to remove them and do some things over again, but they work and NH doesn't have a key! I feel so grand! And the gate is kept locked at all times!!!! HEAVENLY!!!!
Thank you for giving me vision and getting me through the first part ( I couldn't do it before!)