Author Topic: The last of my toxic family.....poof!  (Read 2052 times)


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The last of my toxic family.....poof!
« on: August 12, 2012, 02:30:47 AM »
I tried to hang on, but for all the wrong reasons--- no more!

I finally dropped the last of 3 sisters. J, B and R. J and B are long gone, but R is a sticky one. She wanted to come to see me on 2010, 13 months after the accident and I said my initial reaction was “ No”. I was thinking of my sleep disturbances,  movie watching all night, sleeping all day, meals at odd hours….plus the fact we had never spent even one day/night together since we were teenagers on the farm. Now she is 71, and I am 73.

The long and the short of it is that I had to fit into her sleeping arrangement, her meal hours and take on her housekeeping habits. She was happier than a ‘ Pig in Sh*t” and I was just holding my own, as she paid good money to fly 2000 miles, bought all the food for the week, did all the cooking, cleaned my apt. and had a gift for me every day when I woke up.

She also gave me Reiki and Reflexology treatments, but “dictated” the time for this to be done.

I paid for the airport shuttle to be there to pick her up and deliver here, then pick up here and deliver her back to the airport, and she cried, out on the street with the limo driver. I just thought, how silly”! --me and my ‘no emotions‘!

R. is the one who took my daughter when I had my first accident in 1969 and D. was 5. She came to the hospital only ONCE in that year of healing!

She finally began coming around after I bought a house and took my daughter out and bought her dresses, etc. D. said she didn’t want this and I told her to say so, to Aunt R. but she never did. She wanted jeans and T’s. R’s 2 daughters wore dresses. There would be my D’s teen years.

D. married at 20 and R. was not around until after son-in-law kicked me out in 1991, after which D. left in 1994, then R. came to see them all the time with food, clothing and offers of money for University. D. turned down the money, but R. was only about ½ hour drive from me and never came to see me, and I was hurting like Hell over losing D and the children. I knew nothing about them.

In 1992, on my birthday, I took my life in my hands and drove out to see the children….only 2, 3rd was expected. I didn’t know. I saw him, the 3rd , for the first time at my brother’s home, when little M. was 1½ years. I was playing the piano and just softly talking to him, as he watched, then he kept coming closer then began playing, on the high keys, with me. I put no pressure on him. Later, I was sitting in the kitchen when R. came racing in with little M. saying,” Here are 2 people who ought to mert “ and she plunked him onto my lap and he panicked and yelled and screamed and had to be taken off my knee. I was mortified as the whole family was there to see my grandson reject me.

She has constantly tried to justify her actions to me and  I cannot accept her reasoning.

The latest, and it has to do with hospital records regarding this accident, is that there is an entry, the day of my accident, that my D. (who was still my Next of Kin), was quoted as saying, “Daughter Querying Suicidal Tendencies” …………WHAT?  I said in my other post about only receiving all these medical records this past Spring, 2012.…3 years later--- and another entry was about April 3, witch said (I’ll attach it for proof and you will see how hard it is to decipher that I could have missed it) “Patient’s daughter telephoned …. ? to explain that Ms. T….. has a longstanding history of alcohol abuse/dependence. Apparently this also had ? i.e cutting off diazepam.”

I emailed D. and asked for an explanation and she never responded. I sent copies to R. and R, said that the hospital entries were rather “ interesting”. I wrote back saying that I was happy she found them interesting, as I found them:  first, embarrassing, second horrific, and third appalling: and I have not answered any of her emails since. She never even commented an my D.’s betrayal.

I just cannot believe my life. It is all surreal. What my D. has done almost explains to me that she is embarrassed to have m as a mother, as she said when she was 12, ….that it was me and my disability, but NO! There is something else, and it must be her sexual orientation????? I feel she lives in another world.

I have only my brother left, who is not into family politics but calls me on my birthday and at Xmas.

I Thank Heaven every day for Karla, and now her friend Kayla who filled in for the month of June.

Izzy, the bewildered broad!

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"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: The last of my toxic family.....poof!
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2012, 08:25:11 AM »
Oh Izzy, I'm so sorry.  I had similar happen to me, only it was my mum telling doctors things that weren't true.  I found all of it out when I went through my medical records (and my son's) - she'd been doing it for years.  Like you, no-one at the time talked to me about it.  Surely if they really believed you were having suicidal thoughts the appropriate thing to do would be to talk things through with you - it seems appalling to me that people can take this sort of information, write it down and do nothing.

There is an odd thing about illness, where people seem to think you can't be trusted to tell the truth or be self aware.  It's very easy for a family member to take advantage of this.  I'm always amazed at how readily a doctor will accept a 'diagnosis' given by a lay person - it's very odd.

I'm so sorry you've discovered this and that your D isn't willing to at least give some sort of explanation.  I'm glad you have your two 'K's in your life - they both sound like lovely people.

Hugs to you (((((((((((((((((((((((Izzy)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


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Re: The last of my toxic family.....poof!
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2012, 09:10:15 AM »
Wow, Izz.

That's a lot to process.  I'm sorry your daughter appears to have betrayed you, but you can't know how she said what she said from notes taken by an apathetic nurse, KWIM?

Maybe she is worried you drink too much, and wanted the docs to know so they could do the very best job for you?  She doesn't know you well, let's face it 

In any case, I don't think you're in a mood to continue reaching out to your d, and that can just be making peace with this thing, or not right now.

I've said it before and I'll say it again....

your d was victimized right along with you when you were hospitalized.  She lost her mommy, and that wasn't her fault.  She had to deal with it as best she could, and she was just a child getting slapped in face for crying by her aunt who failed to faciliate visitation.  Your d is struggling, and in pain, and her pain triggers yours, and I don't know that you guys will ever resolve that. 

I'm sorry the betrayals seem to go on and on, Izz.  You're a rock star of survival, and it's not fair you have to read these insults in your chart, but they are what they are.  Just scratches on paper.  Consider the source and dismiss them. 

Questions:  Do these remarks in your file harm your legal case?  That would just be rich, wouldn't it?  Ah...... I so wish you serenity, dear Izz.  Perhaps NC with everyone but your brother would help.  Are you still seeing a T?  If so, what is the T saying right now?




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Re: The last of my toxic family.....poof!
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2012, 06:49:48 PM »
Thanks TP snd Lighter,

I don't have any answers for D's behaviour (Did you click on the image at the end of my first post? and the suicidal post?) I realize they are just scratches on paper, but what nurse, who never met me, would make up these stories? I believe none. I was also notified twice that my daughter had called, but no phones were at the bed side.

Since D saw to it that her husband didn't like me, and that a friend (female), later on, didn't, then I expected stories of untruths were being told as to why she never came home to visit, as I had had a number of good 'friends' over the years.

(As you know, my mother was in a wheelchair, and after leaving home, for good, I was the only one who went every week or 2 weeks and cleaned the upstairs of her house, and washed and set her hair. The others were now married and had their own lives.... and that seems to be them. Some of Mom's friends asked why she didn't have one of us stay home to look after her and she said she would never do that, and I told my daughter the same thing! The older I get, the more I seem like my mother!)

D saw me take a drink when she was growing up, but with friends and family, and ones on whom she never turned her back. "Suicidal tendencies" were her ' forte' , as she tried at age 12, and blamed my disability, not sexual orientation or alcohol.

I stopped reaching out to her quite some time ago, and now am finished with sister R. who was always on D's side, having no father, ot whatever her story is!

Lies cannot harm my legal case, but they can still hurt me, even second or third-hand from far away!

No, no therapist (shrink).

I did have a psych person visit me and it was because of my diazepam (addictive, or as my Dr. calls it, 'habituated' as I don't crave it.) I take my morning dose and that is it! We talked about my alcohol intake and my daughter and that might have set the record straight, but I see no comments in the records.

I don't know if the Defence has copies of these records-- and if so, and we are in Court, it will be publicized. I don't need that, and that is a 'public betrayal', from 2000 miles away that would have come from my own D.

And TP, if not for the psych, no one told me how I was behaving in the hospital. It took 3 years to have these records and read what everyone there knew every day.

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: The last of my toxic family.....poof!
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2012, 06:53:18 PM »

Hi Iz,

I think someone here said you should write a book Iz.  It's the truth, you should.  I'm so sorry for all the horrifying things you've experienced.  That your story is intriging to read doesn't lessen the pain you've endured so bravely.  It's as if affliction jumped your case right out the gate and never took a break.  

Lots of hugs,



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Re: The last of my toxic family.....poof!
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2012, 04:02:54 AM »
Thanks tt

TT on my shopping list is Toilet Tissue! btw! :shock:

I doubt I could write a book now (or maybe never thought I could.)  There is far too much crap and I don't think I could splice it all together in whatever format.

My attitude has changed somewhat now: more anger, more apathy, more anti-social, more cynical, more agnostic... too much time has passed, while I am trying to hold myself together.

I appreciate Karla, and her twice a week visits, 1½ hours each. I don't go to her place, as there are too many steps and I cannot leave my computer!  :lol: I am dressed for therapy and shopping or an outing with K, but as soon as I am alone, I am back into my nightgown. My bra causes pressure on the "back problem caused by the trapeze and am still awaiting the Medical report from the Specialist. When the pain strikes, I go into tremors.

You might have missed my announcement of, after 54 years of smoking, I quit on November 17, 2010.....almost 1¾ years!  The 17th is what Karla and I celebrate. We are never out long, as I cannot use a public washroom now, as I am so off-balance--- different leg lengths!

...and I still don' t cry.

Case in point about my humour though.... I throw my leg, at the knee, over a 6" hard roll and use the quadriceps at the knee to raise my foot off the bed. I mentioned weights, to Karla from when I had the same excercises 43 years ago.... so she brought 2 x 2½ # weights to hang on my ankle. There are others than that, as well, in the "quads over roll" position, and I talk so much that I lose track.

I looked at her one day, questioningly, and she said , "Just Weight!i"

So I waited.

She said, " Go ahead!"

I said, "..but you told me 'just wait'!"

"No, , she said. "I said 'Just Weight'.

We stared at one another then roared for about 5 minutes!

Ah well, ya hadda be here!

« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 04:05:06 AM by Skits »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"