All this talk about N mothers has made me think on a few things. I am different in that my N relationship (I'm female) was with my father.
N mothers are a breed of their own, huh?
I have a friend who is this tiny woman and her N mother is also a tiny woman (in stature). I remember when we took an RV trip with my friend and her family out to Pennsylvania to visit her mother. Before the trip my friend expressed to me all her stress and hesitation and turmoil about seeing her mother again. I remember thinking wow, she must be this terribly imposing person! But I met her and she was like 4 foot 10 and barely 100 pounds! I remember thinking to myself how could anyone this small leave such a horrible scary impression on anyone?
See, I equated N and abuse with a big, obese, loud, mean hyper-critical, manipulative, drunken man! That was my dad.
But, I've learned that ANYONE, no matter their stature or how many decibels their voice is can be an N.
I think that mothers must have a very special way of manipulating their children because they don't have that massive imposing thing that fathers have.
They must be especially good at intimidating with only a look, or a well chosen phrase or put down.
I just thought it was interesting that it really doesn't matter how intimidating you LOOK, it's the behavior underneath that makes you....nasty, mean, manipulative, ....N.