BEACH DONKEY NO MORE!!! I didn't see the insanity of it (oh, I must pay for the COBRA- he took our money, but he won't pay for his medical and will lose it- I must save him from himself) until I read your first response about the COBRA (I am thickheaded)- then through my tears of laughter I thought YES!!! I should throw the foul COBRA bill back in his face. When we were discussing it by phone, he was actually trying to make me apologize for mentioning it when I told him the bill was paid, he could see his shrink, get his medications, go to the M.D., etc. He didn't even thank me. HE'S THE BEACH DONKEY NOW!!!! I'm starting law school on Monday, and going right to the Student Law Center- I am going to get as much assistance as possible, go there every day, etc- Get everything filed and done and use it as a learning project, and have FUN!!!!!
Next time we speak of medical issues, I'm going to say: "A pox o' your throat, you bawling, blasphemous, uncharitable dog!"
Most Gratefully,