Hi towrite, you described the dynamic in my family exactly, however I had other sisters so I was in a position to see that my mother had a gender bias, and it wasn't just about me. Its just so awful thinking of you going through all those years alone, being singled out by your mother like that.I am so glad to hear that you can finally see that N mothers have issues with daughters now.
I think my mother's relationship with her sons is psycho- sexual and a sick. On the surface of things, my brothers, appeared to be spoiled, but there was an unspoken bargain they had to enter into in order to receive that favoritism. Their job was to make our mother feel sexually validated, which is something only a male can do for a woman. Mum is so desparate for adult male validation, that even a little boy-even her own son-will do. So even though my brothers grew up so arrogant that I can hardly bare to be around them, I still see them as being damaged by my mothers sick needs.
As for daughters, we are sexual competition. I think this is totally sick, because children are not `sexual competition' or `someone to make mother feel sexy'. They are only kids, and need a parent.
I remember about 5 years ago, I dropped in on my mother when I was in her town. My very good looking little brother was still living with her (in his thirties!).
We'd been driving a long way, and I mentioned that my shoulders hurt, and my little brother came up behind me, and started massaging my shoulders (I guess he's not all bad, lol). My mother's face went ashen, and she started to fume! Then she absolutely exploded and screamed to him` get away from her! get away, I'll do it).
Shortly after that she asked me to leave. Luckily, he finally moved out from her and now has a fiance. To this day she still says thins like `don't worry, he'll cheat on her and come back to me''.
I love my mother, but thats sick to me.