Author Topic: Does NPD encompass all the other PDs?  (Read 4028 times)


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Re: Does NPD encompass all the other PDs?
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2007, 01:47:49 PM »

But yeah, I can definitely see where they overlap.  Like when someone with BPD rages at the first sign of being abandoned, I don't see how that's terribly different than the rage an N goes into when they perceive someone may have insulted them.  Or when an N devalues and discards their entire family because they have a new one, I don't see how that's so different from someone with antisocial personality disorder doing the same thing.  Or when someone with BPD creates chaos and drama all around is that different from HPD?  Maybe the differences lie within the motivation and thought processes, rather than the resulting behavior/action. 

It my limited nonprofessional experience it seems to help to go back to what the wounding is
when a BPD rages about being invalidated then if I acknowledge and validate their feelings (this is not agreeing with their reality, it is just seeing it and allowing them to have it instead of insisting that my version is right) then they will calm down because there is space for them, they can accept there are two separate people with different worlds and appreciate the allowing of both in the relationship

if a NPD rages because I don't share their version they will keep raging until they have won my mind and soul,  I must agree, there is no room for two people, two worlds, they must conquer they have to be right, to have the last word


yes, that totally makes sense to me.  that's good choice of words, too "wounding", rather than "motivation" or "trigger".  and you're right about the N and wanting to completely devour your "otherness", your very self.


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Re: Does NPD encompass all the other PDs?
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2007, 06:32:04 PM »
Hey Mud,

Yeah they did to some extent.  They would start conforming and sticking to boundaries.  They regularly elected a top 3 who were given certain responsibilities and they remarkably would stick to them..  You would see them making changes over the year..  opening up, forming realitonships... Don't get me wrong..  they were not cured (for want of a better word) just a bit different Trouble was that we didn't monitor outcomes...  See I really don't know how they could have sustained it when they got outside.  When they were able to get away with the same behaviours again.....  Problem is you can't really change someone's personality..  It's integral to who they are, but I learned that you can in an environment like that see them react in a different way.  Saying that, sooo many people left or were thrown out..

Spy x


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Re: Does NPD encompass all the other PDs?
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2007, 07:07:49 PM »
See I really don't know how they could have sustained it when they got outside.

Well that's the problem isn't it? Their keepers keep on leaving the cage open and letting them outside.



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Re: Does NPD encompass all the other PDs?
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2007, 09:03:25 PM »
Hi all,
About the overlapping...
I think we have the tightest diagnoses that science has come up with...but that's still a limited language.

I think a diabetic can have arthritis and migraines and...umm...allergies.

So maybe personality systems can be likewise as interrelated as physical ones, or at least often NPD +/- one or another, although it's got to make things much harder to sort out for the onlooker, doesn't seem unlikely...


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Does NPD encompass all the other PDs?
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2007, 12:17:03 PM »
Hey Mud,

I reckon the best thing to do would be to put them all on an 'escape from new yorkesque' desert island and let them control each other..  If I ever get to be prime minister.........

Spy x