WOW! This is quite the topic!
I think what I've found about myself, is that ultimately, I will NOT allow others to determine my inner happiness, but sometimes the way they treat me, influences how I will react/respond in that moment.
First of all, with my N'ish daughter, Anna, I have learned that we get along fine if I just let her talk to me and I don't make any statements about my view about what she is saying...the key in this is to ask GENTLE questions and not state ANYTHING to her. As soon as I dare to say "well, I don't think that you and Robert should be sleeping together" or "i'm concerned that your boyfriend will abuse you in the marriage one day"...well, that sets her immediately into "false self protection mode." That's when she will defend him, lie to me, justify the abusive actions, swear to "god" that nothing is going on, and alternately begin ripping me apart "character-wise" saying things like "well, you're too STUPID to know what is really going on" "you don't KNOW Robert so you just need to shut up" "I'm not going to be dumb like you and marry a loser like dad" etc, etc, etc.
Further, with the other dysfunctionals in my life, I have learned to AVOID CONTACT as much as possible, other than what is needed to interract in daily life. I don't CHOOSE to hang around with abusers, so I simply do NOT. I am married to a mental "case" however, and at times, I have to remind myself that this man, my husband, is not "playing with a full deck" and therefore, is unable to think about how his actions are affecting others and unable to CARE how they are too.
So, for the most part, I CHOOSE how I feel about things in life. I do not let others define me or determine what sort of overall day I'm going to have. That's MINE. That's up to ME. My day belongs to the Lord and myself, period. There is no human being worth that much to me, that I will allow them to decide my deepest feelings...I have God and a journal for that part of who I am.