I am so, so sorry. I'd only just read your other post about how great a day you've had at the creative writing course, and I thought 'Good, that sounds like something really positive's happening there!'
Then this.
What a bitch she is. How manipulative. As you say, it's as if she's two different people...or is she? Reading through the 'baby' letter, she's still slagging you off, but in such a low-key, almost-not-there, kind of way. She's biting her tongue not to mention your name, but it's just simmering under the surface. She's so angry, it's palpable. Put with the livid 'house' letter, it DOES sound like the same person, but on two slightly different levels - manic and a-bit-more-controlled-manic. With my NMum, if anything, I used to prefer the manic, because that 'poor me, after all I've done for you, I just don't understand where I went wrong' stuff used to make me want to slap her.
Can you go properly NC with her? She sounds like a nightmare.
PS You are a good mother, despite not being shown how to do it by your own mother!!