Dear GS,
Npd-ex appeared to be a very gentle, sensitive soul... as long as I didn't say "no"... and I wonder,
is this the first time you've ever said "no" to Paul?
And I don't believe that there are near as many villains to be unwrapped as we may fear, when in the first stages of realization re: abuse. I really don't.
I think that most people are quite harmless, in and of themselves, provided we maintain realistic expectations within ourselves and learn to fine tune our own boundaries.
But still, this line concerns me:
"My words are offered only for contemplation and I am aware that I am not perfect."
That could mean: "I only wanted you to know that I am most interested in pursuing these breathing exercises with you, although I know that I fall short as an ideal man for you."
But I think that's a stretch, because truly... the fact is, this sentence makes little sense to me. I mean, this may seem silly, but I've noticed, even from a grammatical standpoint, disordered minds don't produce sensible phrases. Here we have the positioning of the conjunction "and" between two seemingly unrelated thoughts... again, unless I'm missing something. Sounds like "word salad" to me.
His lack of addressing your primary concern is the most obvious element of all, though.
Is he most concerned with defending his reason and right to have made this inappropriate advance?
Wouldn't a genuinely gentle soul be more concerned with how this exchange has left you feeling?
I don't have the full picture of what's reasonable in this process, GS. Sure wish I did. I do think, however, that it's wise to re-consider the terms under which we'd noted a person's character as new evidence comes to light. NPD-ex came across as the endearing, wounded, dog-loving, helpful guy next door who loved to speak to me in Spanish and read me poetry... ahh, so gentle. Not.
It's not that I think Paul is a villain, GS... just that I'm not sure whether the adjective gentle fits him, based on what you've shared of his writing. I guess only time will tell?