Today is Thanksgiving Day and I woke up in a VERY BAD MOOD!!!!

Then I picked up a catalog that I received in the mail yesterday and found several items that are LAUGH OUT LOUD FUNNY!!!!! It made me wonder if they were designed by a Survivor of a Narcissist!
Among the items that had me chuckling:
Nightshirts that say:
"O Come Let Us Adore Me" and
"The Queen"
T-shirts that say:
"Just Be Happy I'm Not A Twin";
"I Used To Care But I Take A Pill For That Now";
"My Indian Name is Yes Dear";
"I Live At The Corner of Kiss My A$$ Avenue And No Friggin Way"
"Let Me Drop Everything And Work On Your Problem"
"It Is What It Is"
"When I Want Your Opinion, I'll Remove The Duct Tape"
"Don't Worry About What Other People Think, They Don't Do It Very Often"
"National Sarcasm Society: Like We Need Your Support"
"Sarcasm: Just One More Service I Provide"
"I'll Have A Cafe Mocha Vodka-Valium Latte To Go, Please"
"It's All About Me"
"I'm Surrounded By Nuts" (with M & M cartoon characters)
"Where's The Switch That Turns You Off?"
"Be Careful! Or You Will End Up In My Novel!"
"If You Met My Family, You Will Understand"
"Mom Likes Me Best"
"I May Be Left-Handed But I'm Always Right"
A T-Shirt and Sweatshirt that says: "3 Wise Men? Be Serious"
For fans of "24": "If You Woke Up This Morning, It's Because Jack Bauer Spared Your Life"
For fans of the Wizard of Oz: a coffee cup that appears to be based on the musical "Wicked" with the phrase: "Don't Make Me Call The Flying Monkeys"
My personal favorite T-Shirt that shows a picture of a duck, with it's bill duct-taped, and the caption: "Shut The Duck Up!"
A metal cutout sign that says: "My Barn, My Rules"
A doormat that says: "Well Butter My Butt & Call Me A Biscuit: Look Who's Here"
A plaque that says: "Deja Moo: The Feeling You've Heard This Bull Before"
A coffee cup that says: "She Who Must Be Obeyed"
I Think Red Headed Erin will like this T-Shirt: "Redheads are Hot"
I also like this concept, a mazuzah for a baby's room that says: "Bless This Room And The Child Who Dwells Here...growing and playing and sleeping and dreaming"
I like a lot of what I found in the catalog. It definitely lightened the mood!