I am SO ANGRY AND UPSET right now!!!!
I just learned that Mr. Idiot's mother died three months ago and, for him, it's no big deal!

To give a bit of background....when Mr. Idiot and I first got together, he told me that his father took him away from his mother when he was a newborn. His father knew where his mother was and seemed to get enjoyment about tormenting him about it. (This makes me wonder if Mr. Idiot's father was actually an N.) When Mr. Idiot graduated from high school, he tried to find his mother but was unsuccessful. I took what little information he had, did my own search, and was able to locate her in another state...in a nursing home. I got the phone number and called the nursing home to inquire about her. Much to my surprise and delight, they put her on the phone and that's when I learned that she had been trying to find him all these years!!!
Four months later, for Christmas, he and I flew to where she was living and surprised her with a reunion. (He tried to delay with the usual excuses of "getting round to it later" and I told him she may not have that kind of time. Besides, this was a Christmas present FOR HER!!!!) At first, she was puzzled when we first walked into her room and, when I spoke, she recognized my voice and realized that the man with me was her son! The way her face lit up was amazing!!! I gave them both privacy so they could talk without me being intrusive.
From that point on, I kept encouraging him to maintain contact with her and, at least, build some sort of relationship with her. As usual, he kept giving me the "I'll get round to it later" routine. When I asked if he had discussed with her about arrangements for him to be notified when something happens to her, again I got: "get round to it later". Bottom line...he DID NOTHING and SQUANDERED whatever time he could have had with his mother because he didn't see any urgency...always the same excuse of "I'll get round to it later...."
She died January 2nd and we just found out today after I nagged him, for the upteenth time, to at least give her a call. His emotional response to her death is a COMPLETE AND TOTAL DISCONNECT, like a houseplant died or something! I don't understand how he can be so uncaring!
I want to bitch-slap him SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN IT!!!!!!
