second letter reminds me of a situation that I witnessed where, unfortunately, the N was the one with the wheels and she tried to pretend that she OWNED where we were! All of her PASSENGERS kept telling her, it's time to go home! WE WANT TO GO HOME! THE PARTY IS OVER!!! WE ARE TIRED!!! The host and hostess kept politely asking her to leave and SHE IGNORED ALL OF US!!!

Finally, at 2:00 AM in the morning, the host literally got in her face and told her: "GET OUT!!!!" The N gave this little giggle, smiled, and commented in a simpering voice: "Oh, is it late? Tee-hee!" The rest of us were ready to wring her neck!
On the way home, the N compounded her BS by blathering mindlessly about "her little plans" to have all the passengers in HER car stay overnight at HER place to watch HER DVD's ALL NIGHT! (Sounded like the Queen NC!@# wanted to force us to attend to her NRoyal A$$ as if we were her property!)

We all said, "NO! WE ARE TIRED!" and she continued to blather mindlessly anyway about "her little plans" because the word "NO" does not exist in HER world! The expression on the N's face was priceless the instant she parked her car in the driveway and all of her passengers got out, walked to their own cars AND LEFT HER!!!!