Today's "Annie's Mailbox":!!!!!

I grew up in a small town where we had a jerk-cop like this one! (I couldn't call him a police officer because his behavior was badge-heavy OBNOXIOUS!) At one point, the only playground available to us was fenced off and was available only to teams who wanted to pay to use the field. When my friends and I attempted to play on the school playground, we were chased off by Mr. Badge-Heavy. When we attempted to play on the levee, we were chased off by Mr. Badge-Heavy. (We were all still in elementary school at the time.) Finally, some parents allowed us to play stick ball in the street in front of their homes while they sat on their porches and supervised us.
Who shows up? Mr. Badge-Heavy. He tried to shout at us to stop playing but we were so intent on our game, shouting to each other, that we didn't hear or notice him. What did he do next? He pulled out his service revolver and shot it off over our heads!!!!!

Our parents were LIVID!!!!! We were just a group of elementary school-age CHILDREN all UNDER THE AGE OF 10!!!!! Mr. Badge-Heavy lost his job. For years afterward, he couldn't understand WHY he was terminated as a police officer since he felt he was entitled to do what he wanted to do. What a JERK!!!!