Just got home from having a doctor's appointment a little while ago and feeling aggravated with medical professionals in general.
I've just started seeing this doctor as my new primary care physician as things with the old doctors' office kept going from bad to worse. Whenever I meet a new doctor, for whatever reason, I make it a point to emphasize from the Get-Go that I am a Recovering Alcoholic AND a Recovering Drug Addict. That way, they are put on notice that there are certain prescriptions that are NOT recommended such as morphine and benzodiazepines. This new doctor has been pressuring me to have a colonoscopy the traditional way which requires using fentanyl, (an opioid more powerful than morphine), PLUS benzodiazepines!

I reminded this new doctor of what I had previously informed him about my history of addictions. He tried to persuade me that doctors can control addictions FOR patients.

I pointed out to him how that belief is a DANGEROUS delusion and I was NOT going to put my own sobriety at risk! He decided to back off.
What part of the word "NO" do they not understand?!?!?!?