The suicide of Robin Williams is triggering a LOT of stuff from over the years.
Not long after my Dad died, NWomb-Donor left me with a babysitter while she went to the town hall to be an election judge. The babysitter had two daughters close to my age and I was barely five years old. That day, the babysitter brought us inside from playing, fed us all a hot lunch, then sent us back outside to play. A little while later, I heard this explosive noise and another neighbor came running and burst through the front door of the house. The three of us kids got up from playing and started to go into the house when this neighbor blocked the door and told us to go to see his wife next door. None of the adults around us would talk to us kids but we sensed something was very wrong.
Later, I overheard NWomb-Donor talk about how the babysitter had taken a shotgun and killed herself while her daughters and I played outside. The next time I saw my playmates, I told them that I was sorry about what happened to their mother. Turns out their father NEVER told them ANYTHING! My playmates had NO idea what I was talking about and had NO idea where their mother had gone. (I realize now that their father was an N as well who did NOT care who he hurt!) When my playmates asked their father about what I said, he came over to my house FURIOUS! NWomb-Donor proceeded to beat the crap out of me for making HER look bad to a neighbor. To this day, I still have NO idea what I had supposedly done wrong by expressing my condolences to a playmate over the death of their parent.