Some people just don't understand. I had to take a stand with someone who works in Hollywood who just doesn't get it. The following was started when a photo was posted on Facebook of a GORGEOUS child who happens to have been born with Downs Syndrome. She's holding a sign asking people to please not call her "Retarded". The Hollywood actor posted the following comment:
(Hollywood Actor): You are a beautiful person, being used by someone smarter then you to promote their bullshit politically correct agenda. Try not being offended by simple words and try being less uptight like your daughter or sister or whomever (Gorgeous Child) is. You freedom restricting A-holes. Grow up. The world isn't politically correct and it shouldn't be. It restricts freedom to speech and thought, and if I want to say retarded around friends who aren't to refer to them being slightly slower then the rest of us I damn well will.
Here is my response to him:
From BonesMS - (Hollywood Actor), I have to respectfully disagree with you. I've been living with disabilities since birth and I've lost count as to the number of times I have been called "retarded" because of the disabilities I live with. I am NOT "retarded" even though I am disabled. I have reason to suspect that I am on the Autism Spectrum and have been since birth. In spite of my disabilities, I managed to get an education, including a Master's degree. I've also witnessed physical assaults and bullying of others because of their disabilities. Until you walk a mile in my shoes, please THINK before using that ugly word. Thank you!
He hasn't responded back to me yet. I have a few other words I'd like to have with him to make him THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!