Bonesie, we've had nothing but rain! Spring just sort of vanished - there's blossom all over the roads where the rain has lashed it out of the trees
A memo was going around on Facebook from a conservation group about helping the bees - because it was warm and then got cold a lot of them sort of go into a coma and need sugar water to get them going again. Sure enough, the next day there was one on the floor of the landing, alive but just lying there, so we mixed some honey and water together and dipped a cotton bud into it and then slid that under him. He had a little feed and it was like his batteries recharged; he started to buzz and his wings started flapping and off he went outside to find some proper nectar
Hopefully he's still going
How's the weather like with you now, has it perked up at all?
Love Tup xx
I'm glad that bee is okay. It's finally starting to warm up around here.
Also, while I was perusing reddit, I spotted this and it felt so painfully familiar:
A Narcissist's Prayer
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did... You deserved it.
URGH! Makes me want to go back in time and slap a BEEYOTCH or three!