I want my kids to see for themselves how my parents are - I don't want to put any ideas in their heads. So we are having this "vacation" with them this week. They have already cut it down to three days (I should be thankful and am, but I also know it's because they don't like me). They are coming for three days during the week and then leaving early on Sat to go ont heir vacation with their friends. My son is so disappointed. He thought they were coming to spend a week with him. Like I said, I am staying out of it - I don't want to be responsible for clouding the kids' judgment.
Dear Beth,
My children have seen my parents' ways and weaknesses for themselves, through circumstances much like you've described.
My parents would come 1,000 miles, supposedly to visit us here, and then spend an hour or 2 daily (maybe) at our home before taking off to go do their own thing (always revolving around drinking.)
At the end of their last visit (I think it was) my mother would not even get out of the car to come up to the door and say goodbye, because - she said - it had rained earlier (wasn't raining at the moment) and she didn't want to risk getting ill just for that...
No one here made a move to go to her.
Children raised like you and I have raised ours... they see... and they know.
And when we were at their home last month, my parents really had no clue how to relate to any of us... to me or to my kids... because their grip on us is gone. For me, it was my break with alcohol (which is a major part of their lives) that really impacted them in such a way that they couldn't recoup. Anyhow, fortunately, my husband was there to buffer what would otherwise have been a much more intense silence.
I'm so sorry your son is disappointed... that hurts. I don't know how old he is, but mine's 11 and he got a good taste of this when we were visiting his grandparents. I suggested he show grandma something he was working on and asked him a bit later what she'd thought of it...
he said, "It's hard to tell."
Oh yeah, he gets it... because she can't give it, take it, fix it, change it, relate one of her own grand experiences to it, or effect it in any way, she could not care less.
(((((((Beth))))))) They don't "like" anyone, really... they just know how to blend in with some better than others.
You are free, you just don't feel it yet.