Author Topic: My Feelings  (Read 23013 times)


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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2007, 09:07:15 PM »
Thanks Hope,

I'll try that poor little child I was then, in front of me now and see what happens.

I, too, had a fear of becoming my mother.

Thanks  S&S
& Hops again

I googled for my area and there is nothing but credit counselling and christian counselling.

Nevertheless, with this post of mine, it tells the newbies where I stand and I was very close to leaving by the time I had told everything about me, and said that that was always the time I might break off a friendship..................becasue she might not like me anymore....................oh how I switched friends in high school........ and how telling that I usually chose one who was a little "lesser" than me in the general statements of the community.

She is still married to her first husband, has 5 kids, has her own catering business and he is a teacher. Oh SH**!


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« Last Edit: August 13, 2007, 09:08:51 PM by isittoolate »

Certain Hope

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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2007, 09:25:27 PM »
Dear Izzy,

It took a few days for me, with photos of a very happy baby and then suddenly that somber face.  School - with no emotional support and performance being job 1 = the smiles left.

Also I'm looking at how the shyness has changed shape over the years... holding quite firm through college, and then gradually, in some ways, learning to conform to the shape of various masks... employee, wife, mother... but never leaving. I remember my mother saying to me,
"Well, you certainly don't like to socialize!"
Nope. Not when her definition of "socialize" is "act like a phony" and dad's definition is to drink yourself silly.

So the shyness morphed, but it didn't fade really... and it's still there in many ways, as I realize that I never really learned how to get to know a person, or even what questions/info it's okay to ask and share... not apart from the mask or role. Those roles do get pretty hollow.
Maybe you're tired of leaving people behind once you've said it all...
what's that old cigarette commercial - I'd rather fight than switch?  :)


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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2007, 09:43:48 PM »
mmmmm, Izzy, I'm thinking sex might get you back in touch with your feelings? (any suitors?)

If not that, then spoil your senses.

Chocolate, wine and a hot bubble bath. Then what transpires in Izzy's mind?

What are you desires, yearnings? What do you want to do before you die? (answer to yourself!)

Once you start making Izzy important, perhaps your feelings will return?

"All things not at peace will cry out." Han Yun

"He who angers you conquers you." - Elizabeth Kenny


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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2007, 09:48:04 PM »
hi Hop

I can identify with the getting to know someone.  I know now we must first know ourselves and I never did!

I remember everyone of my school girl friends thought I was the "best" They said I would be the first to get married--things like that, and I never believed a word of it!!!!!

All I have to do is think back to then and know I wan't feeling. I was saying things that I felt!
now I;m 68 and do nutty things, for the hell of it!


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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2007, 10:02:06 PM »
Hi dandylife

Aren't you cute!! Sex after all I've been through--a receptacle after his watching porn for 3 hours every night! I say NO!

I drink wine. That's okay.  I eat chocolate and get "old" pimples.

Am allowed only 10 minutes in the tub for my stress rashes!!

I have no desire or yearniing except to write the "perfect song" and have it go gold!

I have no places I wish to go see before I die. I have no special person I want to see.... would have been Johnny Cash. I want to drop dead immediately from something! No pain!

Then I will be cremated and the urn will require two holes, one on either side, for my Harrington Rods and I will be a TV anntena for some poor folks.

To go back in time and the way I love classical  music, I think that my interest in playing the piano ought to have been followed up as I would have loved to have been a concert pianist. Parents too poor and wouldn't have even known what I wanted.

The world will lose (has already lost?) the best concert pinaist it could have ever had...........................think about that!!

Love Izzy

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Certain Hope

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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2007, 10:04:33 PM »

I've done nutty things like marry a couple men I barely knew, just to get a new sense of identity...  and that's just the recent stuff...and so I can understand!
Besides the no answers/no feelings rule at home, there was the molding and shaping. Mother taught me to read very young and found such great satisfaction with that, she moved on to teaching me piano, and then I guess she'd had enough, shipped me off to parochial school at just 5. Emotionally I was a toddler, I think, and scared spitless. She took me from hiding behind the shrubbery in the yard when a car would pass by and tossed me into a group of kindergardeners... but - whoops - no, it was decided, she can read already, so let's see how she does in first grade!  I think it was about then that my shell developed armored plating. They shuttled me from morning Kindergarden to afternoon with grade 1 class for... I forget how long, but long enough to ensure that I did not fit in anywhere.
12 years with basically this same group in parochial school.
Shocked me years later to discover that they'd expected me to become a great success... and all I'd managed was a fallen apart family.

Somewhere during that 12 years, the me who used to spread out a little pink afghan and have a picnic at naptime with some stuffed friends... completely disappeared.


P.S. you are too cute to be a receptacle or an antenna  :P


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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2007, 11:30:49 PM »
I will be cremated and the urn will require two holes, one on either side, for my Harrington Rods and I will be a TV anntena for some poor folks.

Izzy, you are completely adorable. Thank you for this wonderful laugh!

And so was your little self. Sweet little thing, so shy with her two pudgy hands doing everything they can to HIDE HER FACE.
(And now her grown self is tuckey-tucked away in her apartment, lighting up other people's lives with honesty and laughter.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2007, 11:39:19 PM »
You misspelled s*itless'
Wow! so similar. I hid in the raspberry patch and on top of the granary and I had a maple tree that I climbed to the top.

I never had a pink afghan to spread. I never had a doll until I was 12.

We had no kindergarten and grade one was at 6, but I started at 5. I took 1, the 2 and ½ of 3, then ½ of 3 and 4, so was 7 and then turned 8 before entering Grade 5. The only other girl had breasts. I didn't. She was 12. I heard the gossip.

i believe that in Grade one I unconciously knew I needed to survive and I concocted ways to remember my numbers, alphabet, days of the week and months of the year. They are diagrams in my head.

I didn't fit. The girls paired off and what was left was 5 year old me and 14 year old Florence-she told me she slept with ther uncle.

There were things at home and thiings at school and by 12 , when I was still wetting the bed, I was in high school.

Good Grief!!

« Last Edit: August 13, 2007, 11:41:42 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2007, 01:04:42 AM »
Ever have one of those bad hair days--can't do anything with it?

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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2007, 01:12:09 AM »
Hey There Izzy-

I know that after I had my accident and the several Frankenfoot surgeries, I felt too vulnerable to break down, etc. The doctors were amazed- I would be shaking, teeth clenched, sweat pouring off of me, outrageous pain, and say nothing. My chart said "tolerates pain and procedures extremely well". The maimed kitten image makes me sad too (I'm sure everyone is moved, but maybe we relate more?)

It sometimes seems that we can be viewed as easy prey- crying and being sad makes us appear even more so. So we hide ourselves and our feelings as best we can. No one is here to watch our backs so we rear up and puff out our chests ! I have found that a story or movie with a happy ending that would be wonderful, but would never happen to us, like having loved ones who never abandon, etc , really makes me come unglued, and voila! I feel better!

IZZ- you are so vibrant, bright and savvy! If I only had such spatial imaging prowess!!!! What a woman! Help me figure out my printer, please, after you've had a massive cry!

I think you might cry if you saw the ceiling that I need to finish painting!

Love you,



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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2007, 07:28:35 AM »
Put that photo on a singles site, Izz, and you'll be telling swains "Take a number, get in line, keep the line moving please..." in no time...



"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #26 on: August 14, 2007, 08:05:06 AM »
It's true Miss Izzy- there is an aura of feminine mystery wafting from that photo that will drive them wild! Sort of a twist on Marlene Deitrich... You WILD WOMAN!



Certain Hope

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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2007, 08:53:03 AM »
Dear Izzy,

My hair is very much like yours!  lol  - I have done the "Cousin It" look often, on blustery days. Ponytails are my friend. It's thick and every third one wants to coil like a spring... can't stand the feel of it on my face and at 110 degree heat index lately, the cue-ball look has some appeal :D  In lieu of that, I tie on a babushka, behind ears, and do my housfrau imitation.

Iz,I went back a couple posts because I've been thinking back to "then", too... and trying to remember when it began... that I know I wasn't feeling...
I was just saying things that  I thought... fit.
It's very disorienting, because I can't remember much of the real early feelings except fear and all that shyness. I know that there was an unspoken rule not to show emotions and then there was a very unstable aunt who showed enough emotions for all of us and she frightened me... too too touchy-feely.  I felt like an alien... and in the home, just all that silence.
Cold-shoulder-anger and contempt all around my mother like a force-field and then Dad's alcohol induced joviality.
The friends I had enjoyed quiet passtimes... but any feelings were long locked away, I guess the "saying what seemed to fit" started when I made shyness enemy #1 and slept with my first man... and then married him.
Nutty thing... just to get it over with.

By the way, you could learn the piano now, even on a keyboard. You read music?

Interesting combo of topics here.

No diagrams in my head, Izzy... much difficulty with the spatial. Much.
But I remember what people say and what I write down. Words... they stick. Not images. If asked to give a physical description of someone, I'd be struck dumb. Don't know whether that's an innate deficiency or a shyness shut-down. Survival meant holding it all in and not looking too closely...

I had a 14-yo Florence, too... her name was Martha. My very successful and pompous old brother said once, "you sure know how to pick friends:P"
She was a reject, but I loved her.

There was nothing at home and nothing at school except to do well and not need anything.
Nothing to cry about there... just had to buckle down and grow up... or act like it anyhow. What happens to all the other feelings besides fear when a person is so shy? After awhile, the biggest fear became... fear of the shyness.

I wouldn't dare wet the bed, Izzy. My 2nd daughter did, till she was 9 and we got away from her dad. I cried alot then.

Would you have been shy in any environment back then or did the things at home cause it? I wonder.
Time for a ponytail :)



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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #28 on: August 14, 2007, 09:56:10 AM »

Hi Iz,

Yes, I made my bed sitting in the middle like you described.   A patent.  Go for it!  Hope you're having a fabulous day.


cats paw

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Re: My Feelings
« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2007, 12:57:49 PM »
Hi Izzy,

   I have started posting a little again recently, and I just wanted to let you know I was following your posts about your anticipated visit from your siblings and was glad that it went well for you.

   After reading -  "I sense that if all the feelings I had came rushing in, I wouldn't be able to deal with 68 years worth" and "I know the sadness but there are no tears"  -  I thought of the video of the song that Johnny Cash did.  I don't know the name of it, or the words, but was it what he wrote when his wife died?
    All I know it was achingly, beautifully, sadly-  awesome.  So rawly human.   

cats paw