lol... poor therapist... she goes on vacation and you have a major breakthrough ...Only teasing, Iz
But I do think that facing your fears over the sibling visit... and then thriving through it - wow!...
when I think of that 8 months waiting you've been through, on top of all the years before, you are quite something, Izzy!
You've worked so hard, and it seems like those feelings were just propelling you foreward, unbeknownst to you, from their place in hiding.
I sure wish that you and I had both known to call out for attention when we were small... somehow. Shyness.
But my kids... each one began talking at a very early age, and especially the last one, my son (probably from having 3 sisters and me always chattering around him). I will never forget... he was maybe 19 months old and I was changing his diaper on the couch, trying to hear a news story, and he was telling me something, but not gaining my entire attention. Finally, he bellowed out, "Mama!!" and I leaned down to smile at him... and he put his hands on my face and pulled me closer and said to me, so seriously, "LEESEN to me, Mama!"
Yessir. That's exactly what I'll do!
Happy dance, Izzy
