HopeNope, No autographs yet!---never ever thought of that, even with the others.
PoppyseedBreaking a dish! Hmph! Well a very good analogy. All my breaks have been below the knees and I have no pain, heat, cold, feeling there. I just hear 'snaps' and know something is broken and away I go for an x-ray and a cast.
The paramedics told me that anyone else would be ripping their faces off and screaming with the pain. Likely when I act so nonchalant, in comparison, no one worries as much--not sure. Anyway but this long legged cast is pinching my inner thigh between it and the toilet seat. I feel like screaming but it would do no good. My skin is bruised. I have also heard the bones move in there while lifting it fom place to place, but am not weight-bearing.
Aas far as the pain I do not feel, it is a bit of a conundrum to wonder if the pain/non pain is having any effect!
LighterI had a nice taxi driverr drive me to my car. He was very helpful, getting me into his front seat, put w/ch in the trunk. We chit-chatted then arrived at therapist's place. I was able to swing my legs aout and get into my chair, then he wheeled me to my car and it was like fitting me into cereal box, but we finally made it. Driver's seat was further back becasue of stiff cast.
He was going to put my chair into my trunk and I knee-jerked a response, kind of a yell, NO NO-- as antyone with a brain knows I would never get to it there. I think he realized that and then wouldn't listen to me as he shoved it in the passenger door to behind my seat. I knew I was in trouble. I needed it done my way, in from the driver's door so I would know i'd be okay.
I tipped him and he left.
I drove home using both throttle and brakes on hand controls and all was fine, until I tried to get out. I was in the underground parking for about 3/4 hour. I tried everything I could to get a start at getting out and just went from one idea to another. I finally did it and all was well.
I need practices. there.
I saw my therapist when there and I had emailed her about my leg, so she knew why I was there, She has emailed back and telephoned me yesterday. She has a little room for early arrivers to sit in while the previous one is finishing up. I might not fit it, but I can only try. If that doesn't work , I wait in a foyer and she will come and get me.
Just the car...... just the car to try again but all MY way.
Falling? old age, weakness, bad blood, low potassium, nervous from previous falls, I will see my Dr. soon for meds and we'll talk.
Thank for writing me gals as this has put a big STOP sign in my life., or so I feel. I always think with every break I am being told to slow now. I do thinks quickly and was going to do my own thing at the hospital and they had to keep telling me to relax. THEY would take care of me.
Much Love