Author Topic: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself  (Read 4154 times)


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Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« on: August 22, 2007, 11:26:15 AM »
I have managed to wind my way through the labyrinth of blogs, and information about N people and ended up here.
I am 43, and the daughter of an Nmom.  I always have had a tenuous relationship with my mom, but never heard or considered she was a narcissist until my therapist (whom I was seeing for grief counseling after my husband died) mentioned she thought she sounded like an N. This was a few years ago, and after some recent events her commnet popped into my head and I started reading about N people....sure enough, my mom fits the profile.  While not as bad a some, she is classic N.  But don't try to tell her that! :lol:
For the most part I don't have contact with her, we go for months on end without talking (thank god she lives on the east coast and I on the west) but when we do...either she is making jabs at me, or talking about herself.
I start to wonder if she ever really listens to what I am saying, because as soon as I say something she is off and running about herself and then the conversation is derailed. I actually prefer it to her "pointed silences,, and comments about my life.

Plenty of time to go into it, I guess.

I am a dogmom, two lovely boys (Labs). No children of the furless variety. I am actually getting remarried next Saturday to a wonderful guy that I have been with for about 2 years. We found each other by luck and maybe a little bit of fate, and we have a nice, easy, fun and happy relationship. I never thought I would get lucky in love twice in my life.
I guess that is the basics about me.
I am the child of an Nmom trying to cope in a world that revolves around her.

"To thine own self be true" Shakespeare (Polonius tells Laertes)


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Re: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2007, 12:14:03 PM »
Hi starfish,

Welcome to the board and congratulations on your impending nuptials.
Sorry to hear about your first husband. He must have passed away quite young.
Sorry to hear about your mother as well.



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Re: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2007, 12:32:45 PM »
Do I just jump right in?

Has anyone here ever tried to "tell" someone about their Nmom, only to have their stories poo-pooed or discounted.
Recently a friend of mine said to me "that it was just my side of the story", when I mentioned that my mom would react in a certain way.  While, in essence, that is a true statement...I was blown away.
I have spent years second guessing myself in regard to my relationship with my mom, and even people who don't know her defend her.  Of course this person had a lovely relationship with her parents, and so the stories are hard for her to comprehend, I guess.
G, my partner, even has a hard time understanding where I am coming from.
I did not what to call her and tell her I was getting married. I DREADED it. I knew one of two things would happen. One, she would want me to do it her way, and make it a  major issue when I insisted that it would be our way. (We are getting married by a friend at the beach and having a potluck big to-do) or twqo, she would change thesubject after a quick exclamation and then the conversation would be about her illnesses, how mean my brother or sister have been to her(or aunt and uncle..whomever) her neighbors dog...anything to divert the conversation away from what is happening with me.  Even though she asks...she doesn't really care. It is just a way to access a new talking point for her.
Bah! See, I can't even write effectively about our "relationship".

Here is one of my memories as a young adult.

At the age of 14 (i am the youngest of 3) my mom decides to leave my stepdad.  We lived in germany at the time, so she packs the tow of us up and drags me to AZ, where we know not a soul. She proceeds to sleep all day (pills) and works graveyards as a dispatcher.  I am left to fend for myself in a place where I am completely isolated. She moved us to the furthest end of town where there is nothing for miles.
She OD's on drugs, I take care of it.  I pay the bills, grcery shop, wake her for her shifts (when she isn't calling in sick) and get myself to school.  The only joy I have is our 2 dogs, whom I have had since childhood. We had them flown back with us.  I walked them, slept with them and fed them. They were my only companions.
I finbally started to make friends after a year or so, and one day I come home and my mom is packing our stuff. I ask where she is going.  She says we are moving to the other side of town. I am switching schools again).
I was floored. Devastated. I had just started to get my bearings here.
I go to get the leashes for the dogs, Madchen and Taffy. They are not there, and neither are the dogs. My mother had taken them that day to the pound. I cired and cried...I am still crying. I know they were too old to get adopted.  I asked why? Why did she do this thing?  She replied coldly..."they took too much of my time".  What she really meant was I spent too much of MY time loving them instead of paying attention to her. I am sure to this day that is why we moved. I was getting to be a little more free of her, and she could not have that.
I will never ever forgive her for what she did to those poor dogs, and that poor girl. It has been almost 30 years and I still cry for my poor pup's.

After a year and a half of living on the far reaches of the other side of town, just as I was making friends and adapting to my new mother decides we are moving again. This time to California.
"To thine own self be true" Shakespeare (Polonius tells Laertes)


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Re: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2007, 12:36:21 PM »
Hi starfish,

Welcome to the board and congratulations on your impending nuptials.
Sorry to hear about your first husband. He must have passed away quite young.
Sorry to hear about your mother as well.

Hi Mudpuppy,
Love the name...

Yes, he died young. Too young for sure.

Thanks for responding...
I wasn't sure what the protocol for newbies would be on this forum.
"To thine own self be true" Shakespeare (Polonius tells Laertes)


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Re: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2007, 12:41:12 PM »
Do I just jump right in?

Has anyone here ever tried to "tell" someone about their Nmom, only to have their stories poo-pooed or discounted.
Recently a friend of mine said to me "that it was just my side of the story", when I mentioned that my mom would react in a certain way.  While, in essence, that is a true statement...I was blown away.
I have spent years second guessing myself in regard to my relationship with my mom, and even people who don't know her defend her.  Of course this person had a lovely relationship with her parents, and so the stories are hard for her to comprehend, I guess.
G, my partner, even has a hard time understanding where I am coming from.
I did not what to call her and tell her I was getting married. I DREADED it. I knew one of two things would happen. One, she would want me to do it her way, and make it a  major issue when I insisted that it would be our way. (We are getting married by a friend at the beach and having a potluck big to-do) or twqo, she would change thesubject after a quick exclamation and then the conversation would be about her illnesses, how mean my brother or sister have been to her(or aunt and uncle..whomever) her neighbors dog...anything to divert the conversation away from what is happening with me.  Even though she asks...she doesn't really care. It is just a way to access a new talking point for her.
Bah! See, I can't even write effectively about our "relationship".

Here is one of my memories as a young adult.

At the age of 14 (i am the youngest of 3) my mom decides to leave my stepdad.  We lived in germany at the time, so she packs the tow of us up and drags me to AZ, where we know not a soul. She proceeds to sleep all day (pills) and works graveyards as a dispatcher.  I am left to fend for myself in a place where I am completely isolated. She moved us to the furthest end of town where there is nothing for miles.
She OD's on drugs, I take care of it.  I pay the bills, grcery shop, wake her for her shifts (when she isn't calling in sick) and get myself to school.  The only joy I have is our 2 dogs, whom I have had since childhood. We had them flown back with us.  I walked them, slept with them and fed them. They were my only companions.
I finbally started to make friends after a year or so, and one day I come home and my mom is packing our stuff. I ask where she is going.  She says we are moving to the other side of town. I am switching schools again).
I was floored. Devastated. I had just started to get my bearings here.
I go to get the leashes for the dogs, Madchen and Taffy. They are not there, and neither are the dogs. My mother had taken them that day to the pound. I cired and cried...I am still crying. I know they were too old to get adopted.  I asked why? Why did she do this thing?  She replied coldly..."they took too much of my time".  What she really meant was I spent too much of MY time loving them instead of paying attention to her. I am sure to this day that is why we moved. I was getting to be a little more free of her, and she could not have that.
I will never ever forgive her for what she did to those poor dogs, and that poor girl. It has been almost 30 years and I still cry for my poor pup's.

After a year and a half of living on the far reaches of the other side of town, just as I was making friends and adapting to my new mother decides we are moving again. This time to California.

hi Starfish,

welcome....please don't think you'll be poo-poo'd on here.  i think you'll find that most people on here have been through so many things just like you, it'll be uncanny...and very validating.

i had a friend who told me i'd "let" my ex-boyfriend treat me the way he did....which eventually ended our friendship (she just had that attitude, and i didn't feel she was being a friend by being that way)....unfortunately, tons of people blame the victim, especially if they've never experienced dealing with an N before.

again, please feel welcomed here.



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Re: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2007, 12:55:27 PM »
starfish: Do I just jump right in?

>>>Yes, please do.  I'm thrilled you joined us!

Has anyone here ever tried to "tell" someone about their Nmom, only to have their stories poo-pooed or discounted.

OH YES!  The usual responses I get are "oh she couldn't have been THAT bad."  or "Judge not lest ye be judged."  or "you just like to label people, and that stigmafies them."



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Re: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2007, 12:56:17 PM »
Welcome Starfish and I hope you have a wonderful wedding day congratulations to you both.


Sandra x


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Re: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2007, 01:05:25 PM »
I wasn't sure what the protocol for newbies would be on this forum.

Well this forum is almost 100% women so the protocol is pretty much just start talking and don't forget to take a breath once in awhile. :P



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Re: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2007, 01:16:37 PM »
*breathes again*
Has anyone here ended contact 100% with a parent?
How do you deal with the guilt?
Despite the fact that I know it is best, I can't quite get there.
I think "she is so old, and alone, no one to share her life with" and I feel awful for her.  But the fact is she is alone because of who she is. she drives people away through neglect and maniluation, and then points the finger of accusation at them..."see how selfish they are, they have left me in my hour of need after all I have done."

I don't like my mom, and in all brutal honesty I don't think I really love her either.
"To thine own self be true" Shakespeare (Polonius tells Laertes)


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Re: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2007, 01:31:50 PM »
Dear Friend.
   Are you in the right place!.It reminds me of someone who just walks right in  to the room and you" know" them already..
  I think that a BIG reason that I went in to such an emotional 'hole" was that no one understood the pain and devastation of having an NPD  mother.
  I tried to reach out to friends and I  felt like I was an "alien." No one seemed to understand how I felt about the biggest( and worse) thing in my life--- my N mother. I had a wound that was always with me.People were telling me to 'get over" a huge , gaping ,bloody wound in my "side". Finally, I just gave up.
  The board has helped me realize that I do want connections.It is helping me heal . I realized that I was not alone. There is so much healing in that ONE realization. After that, there are people who have gone through the steps of healing and they will guide you.There is always someone who is ahead of me.
   Congratulations on your upcoming marriage. I have two skin babies and two fur babies.My fur babies are so dear-- Henrietta- a Black Standard Poodle and Mimi ---a grey Yorkie  with a tan underbelly and  a 'white head" . I am APPALLED that your mother was so heartless to take away your best friends like that. It is AWFUL..
  Keep sharing. I have no contact with my M . It helped me very much. As I got away from her presence, I could see,in my heart, how awful and damaging she was. When I had contact, she was too 'familiar" to really "see"                                                 Love to You     Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2007, 01:53:22 PM »
HI Ami,

I have been jumping around a little bit and it does seem as if there are many levels of healing and growth that I can learn from.
I am so glad to be here.
I have never told anyone about the is just so horrible to relive, and it made her seem so awful.  I did not want anyone to know she was capable of that kind of cruelty.

My boys are both Labs. Hank is yellow, 5 years old. He is about 89 pounds, and wants to be 100 pounds!  I won't let him though. I got him a few months after my husband died, and in many ways if not for him I would not be where I am today.  He is my special boy...he is kind of an old soul.
My other one is Dewey, he is a 2 year old (currently 85 pound)black lab that G and I adopted from the pound last year.  He was 6 months old and entirely puppy. He is goofy, and clumsy and happy go lucky.  He is a complete and total mama's boy, and my very special baby. G says I ruined him...(Dewey was supposed to be "his" dog!)
How old are your skin children?
« Last Edit: August 22, 2007, 01:54:58 PM by Starfish »
"To thine own self be true" Shakespeare (Polonius tells Laertes)


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Re: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2007, 02:11:59 PM »
You sound so sweet, Starfish
   My skin children are 19 and 21.My 19 is away at college and my 21 is working and going to college near home.
                                                                              Warmly    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2007, 02:30:04 PM »
Welcome, Starfish...

I can't forgive your mom yet either. Her cruelty to you was unspeakable.

So forgive me (this must be my Evil Twin Doris speaking), but how about getting the two most flatulent old dogs you can find, naming them appropriately, and delivering them?

I'm sorry but I do think she has some serious karma to fix.  :shock:

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2007, 02:47:01 PM »
Welcome, Starfish...

I can't forgive your mom yet either. Her cruelty to you was unspeakable.

So forgive me (this must be my Evil Twin Doris speaking), but how about getting the two most flatulent old dogs you can find, naming them appropriately, and delivering them?

I'm sorry but I do think she has some serious karma to fix.  :shock:

I could not do that to the poor old dogs!
But the sentiment is there, for sure! would just fly right over her head.
"To thine own self be true" Shakespeare (Polonius tells Laertes)


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Re: Please Allow Me To Indroduce Myself
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2007, 02:58:03 PM »
Hiya starfish  :)  Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

I am not 'no contact' with my dad either, but I did give it a break for about, oh, 1.5 years more or less.  Which was easy because he completely ignored me during that time - the difference was that I let him.  My life commenced improving immediately.  Now there is occasional contact but I'm trying various strategies out on him.  He is now an experimental subject.  But your words resonate with me - I feel sorry for him too.  Yet....

I am so sorry for your two furry friends and I know exactly how you feel.  My dad had our cat put down when my sister and I went to college.  It was because we 'selfishly' burdened him with pet care by going off and living in dorms where no pets were allowed.  The vulnerable are deeply unsafe, that is for sure.  I felt so guilty for not protecting her.  I feel that was a very wrong act of his, deeply wrong in principle and practice, frighteningly wrong.

Some years later, during a course of therapy I was doing, I tried to confront him with that and a few other specific items.  It was all diversion and obfuscation.  It was not satisfying, nor honest.  Bah.

Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant