very interesting. I've read in the past about how most N's are stilted in their development at an age between 2-5 years old emotionally. This is usually where something has happened to them - something devastating such as a father or mother leaving.
I have a friend who is struggling right now with a child about 11 years old. Willful, neglectful of responsibility, shunning of love and affection. My take is possble Asperger's but they are only in the process now of taking her to a psychiatrist.
When they come over, they always struggle to leave. One parent says, "In 15 minutes, we'll be leaving."
This is ignored completely and half the time it's the parent's fault - they take longer than the 15 minutes to chat more.
One time, my friend had expressed to me his frustration about this. So I said, let me try.
I yelled down the stairs where the children were playing, "Mark (my son) turn off the lights and come upstairs ___ (family) is leaving now!"
As the little girl came running up the stairs behind Mark, I had her coat ready in my hands and said, "Here's your coat, Lauren, find your shoes, now!" She did exactly that.
1 minute later, she said, "Dad! Time to go!" as HE dawdled.
I think part of all this is how others are treated - "dealt with" if you will - communicated with.
I think the other part is the thing within them that does not allow them to behave "normally" in most instances.
I am fascinated by this - as I am dealing with a Borderline mate. I try different approaches and we've had some therapy.
I don't think there is an "answer" for me, but I certainly am open to new experiences.
Thanks for writing!